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View character profile for: Islana Annora
A Gift
Fermented camel’s milk was better than fermented goat’s milk, as it turned out or maybe it was just that some of the other Sisters had enjoyed it during their time in physical form. By the time Shaila returned to her room, Islana had been on the edge of crossing from feeling the alcohol coursing through her body to outright drunk. The woman had realized that occasionally wasn’t a bad thing. She wasn’t her father after all.
Several hours had been spent with the two women catching up. Islana told Shalia all about her time in the desert. In the telling, it became more and more evident what the younger woman had gone through. She included becoming the Prophetess, how all the others were inside of her now. It perhaps sounded a little crazy but it was also well-established that’s what happened and explained some of the ways Islana acted at times.
While the redhead spoke about Madaya, caring, concern, and a twinge of sadness crept into her voice at the child’s current state. It was clear how much the young magik user meant to her. Islana wished the winter witch could meet the young water-bearing one. Maybe, there would be a chance to do so before they headed off to war but it didn’t seem likely.
Kaithak had joined the women for the chat, perched for most of it on Islana’s shoulder. He seemed happy to see Shalia again as well. It was as if they all belonged together. Islana didn’t want to jinx it with that thought process, as it seemed like those kinds of things never really worked out for her for long, did they?
That’s where her mind was currently, as her small delicate hand ran an index finger over the back of the playing cards fanned out on her desk. Picking up one and walking out onto the balcony. She flipped it over but didn’t know what the sign drawn on the other side actually meant, it didn’t matter. These were the only link to Gonyaul she had left. Unfortunately, there had been nothing in the bags of Alexis so the cards would have to just be the physical link left to her adopted family.
Maybe, that had been Alexis in the square. Maybe Gonyaul had also seen her become Sister Locust.. If so what did they think of her? Could they possibly understand the Call? The inherent need inside of her to help the Ozanine? Would they ever look upon her again as family or was this the end of all of that? Were they destined to be enemies?
Being Islana had no idea why they were in Gra’askt, the questions were ones she had no answers for but what if Voah was working for the Inquisition and they had agreed to help her? Or they were working for Ostiarium? It wasn’t what the young woman wanted to contemplate but war changes things, it changes people. That knowledge coming from some of the former Sisters.
Despite trying to figure out a way to get a message and supplies to her friends, there seemed to be no way to accomplish that. There were Priests in the temple that would do as the Prophetess asked without question but it was too risky. Risky for her friends, and risky for the Priests. Far too many ways to get caught.
If they weren’t injured too badly, the group might have already left the city. There was no way to tell for sure but that did give her an idea. There was perhaps one way she could help them.
One of the guards was sent to get Tamazzalt. The Ascendant arrived a short time later. He had been by early to retrieve the egg, so he knew Shalia had been with her. Despite the obviousness of the Prophetess having indulged a little, the man kept his respect towards her, if slightly amused by her present state.
“Have the guards found any trace of the spies?” The Sister asked.
When The Ascendent replied in the negative, the woman seemed to think for a moment. “Then they’ve most likely left town. I plan on officially calling the Hoard, so there are other things to deal with for the moment. I want the guards to be recalled from looking for them. Tomorrow I’ll let the Council know about the Hoard so the word can be sent out and those that need to can get what they need to in order.”
The Sister could only assume her logic made sense as Tamazzalt didn’t give any indication that it did not. The two discussed a few more things before the man left. It was all she could think to do for her friends, even if they never knew about it. A parting gift, in a sense, especially for the two that still meant so much to her, Alexis and Gonyaul.
Islana then went back to the balcony and sent the thought into the night air, Stay safe. I hope we see each other again, and not as enemies. Though it wasn’t looking likely, the wish was still out there in case the Gods decided to do something unexpected. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time.