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View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
Who To Spare?
"For the farmers and smiths, I'm not talking about very many being spared. Just a few. If they choose death for themselves instead so be it. There is little we can do regarding that anyway. Of course, they would be well supervised. Their knowledge would be tested."
Really that was a concern more for herself than Shaila. There was, in truth, one Helian knowledgeable about plants she was trying to save. As for the one knowledgeable about weapons, Islana was trying but wouldn't be surprised if that one preferred death to enslavement not that the redhead could blame her.
In general Helian society had not been particularly kind to either woman sitting in that room. To Islana, it had taught her to fear for her life from young age, enslaved her to a man who wanted to do unspeakable things to her, made her flee twice, caused her to lose her families twice. To say, Islana had no real love for her former society would be an understatement, but still there were those select few she did and likely would always care about. It was too much a part of Islana's nature to not.
"There aren't many Helian children, in Arcadia. Many were rounded up as of a result of the investigation into the Creed. Their parents killed. Some of these children were enslaved. I do not know what happened to all of them. I doubt those children have much love for Helian society.
I think the decision should be to allow them the same opportunity to pledge loyalty to us before deciding their fate. When that is an option, of course. Some children will have to be casualties, such is war, but we can be better than those that call us heathens about it.
The Ozainine follow my leadership and I doubt they would be opposed to slaves but of course no Ozainine has to take them."
Enslaving the enemy had been done in the past, and something done through many societies and it has worked well for most.
"There is something else you should be aware of before going forward. When I was kidnapped by the Creed, their leader told me that there were more Magik users in Ostiarium than the Inquisition would know what to do with. It makes sense as many likely fled the stranglehold the Inquisition has over Helias. While I can't be sure what he said was the truth, he would have no reason to lie about such things, and he knew I was a magik user. I do not know what Magik any of them possess or if any are even left as they could have been executed or fled by now but it's just best to be forewarned."
There was no nervousness in Islana's voice, no pacing, not even a touch of her necklace upon mention of the Creed or the man who almost killed her. It was clear, she had somehow conquered that trauma.
The Seer’s comment had struck Shalia with a reaction of mild disbelief. Initially, it was a revelation she never thought would be made, but it began to make more and more sense. A new lease on life in a lawless land. The same rationalization she used years ago besides just the tug across the sea. Those few dreadful months...she wasn't alone?
Though she did not speak anything of it, she new already what that could mean. If they could bring out the gifted once the soldiers were struck down, they could leave with more than slaves and loot. New witches for the Odonine, perhaps? If the way the Ascendant carried his magik meant anything, the Ozainae wouldn't know much about how weavers like herself casted anyway.
Could they find rebirth as Shalia had? If she could convince them, that was. All the power that would bring...and grant her a similar companionship she once held with the gifted leader before her.
The winter witch did not dwell too long on that, though it was evident it had rattled some excitement in the woman where otherwise her eyes seemed empty.
"Likewise, there is something I must inform you of. It has come to my attention that the Ozainae obtained a map that was key in developing an attack strategy on the Stone City, but it was stolen by one of the Helians currently in Gra'akast. We know for a fact that she is an Inquisition agent--likely the Sword of Vastad. I had the displeasure of meeting her twice at the end of a blade. But it looks like the map was burned away with their hideout last night, their seized belongings proving fruitless."
She paused to let her voice quiet and Islana to absorb the words. The longer she looked at the familiar face, the more the reality of Islana's position settled in. It began to feel right. Two Helians long betrayed by their world, leading a fight against the shadows of their past and an uncertain future.
Shalia looked on with admiration in her steely gaze and she could not help but feel proud of the young woman.
The excitement in Shalia, at the mention of other gifted Helians in Ostiarium, made sense. "I would use caution but if they are like you and I, and truly looking for a fresh start *we* can likely work with that."
If there were magik users to be found, ones willing to start anew, they would have to be shared among both parties or the Odonine could get too powerful, that idea did not sit well with any of the former prophetesses or the current one.
The next piece of information given by the dark haired witch caught Islana's attention.
"I was informed about the Brotherhood exposing the Inquisition's nest of spies. I was not told you were a part of that.
I can have one of the Priest gifted in map making work with me on creating a new map of Ostiarium though I don't know if it would be more use than any maps that we currently have.
There was one Arbitrator I knew in Ostiarium. She was part of the group that helped rescue me from the Creed but I do not know if she is the Sword of Vastad. I do know it's likely other arbitrators have entered Arcadia other than her and the one they call the Purger."
The redheads mind lingered for a moment of the vision she was granted in the desert of Voah and Gonyaul.
"Do you know where the seized items were taken?"