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View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Till

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Boyce Blackwolf

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro
Into The Belly of the Beast
Alexis had advised Tarmen to jump on Zane's offer for supplies, but Tarmen had already been making a list. If the knight wanted him to take what he needed, then Tarmen figured a recon mission such as this would need a decent amount of preparation.
He knew rations would be available, but a small pouch for dried meats would ensure he had something in case they ran low. The same would go for his arrows, bringing another quiver just in case.
His ice axe from Fang was left behind since he didn't expect any icy terrain, though the knives and the sling would be brought along. He preferred a bow over a sling, but if the tribes were as murderous as Zane had said, he might need any range he could use. As always, his machete was by his side, Tarmen being a bit clingy towards it since its near loss in Fang.
Ropes were a must, so were materials for maps. Based on the husk of an outline that was presented, they would be making it up as they go. He considered materials for fires, but held back. No use of recon if you signaled your position.
He also took this opportunity to freshen up his personal medical kit. Rudimentary compared to a professionals, the needle and thread had held him together through all but the worst. Some extra cloth to cover bleeding and a small flask of alcohol for disinfecting should serve him well enough.
The final preparations he made were purely for himself, spending the night with Ester. In the few morning hours before sunrise, he was already gone and at the docks to board.
While not overly confident in the mission, Tarmen had experience with hostile tribes. He knew they were a bitch to perform recon on, since they knew their lands so damn well. He also knew they would know of their arrival immediately. He was curious to know if Alexis had a plan for this.
He was quick to spot his mission leader near the captain of the ship, already in a discussion. Tarmen hoisted his pack, planning to find a bunk later, and then joined Alexis to listen.