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Loss Of Air
There was just the grabbing of hair and the jolt to the back, to which Silina let out a scream with the pain and then the throw. She landed hard but this time just missed the wall by inches. The young woman’s breath was labored as she attempted to get through the pain and get up off the floor but there wasn’t enough time.
A moment later the tightness around her neck, the air barely getting into her lungs and nothing but the sight of dirt in front of her eyes. A brief moment that this might be the last breaths she ever takes entered her mind before the brunette used any strength left to elbow the person holding the rope any place her elbow could reach.
Silina attempted to get the rope off of her the moment it loosened enough to do so. However, the pain delivered to her attacker didn't last long, not long enough to get the rope off of her and the Ozanine woman found the robe around her neck once again, being pulled tight. Feeling a tug on her neck, which pulled her backwards a bit, there as there was no way to turn her head.
Taking another shot at it, even though her magik felt like it was waning by this point, she opened her hands by her side and flashed causing a wind with the sand to be created, and hurled towards her attacker.
Doubtful it would do much good as Silina wasn’t looking at her target, on the ground and losing air second by precious second.