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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Where It Began
Islana's arms raised up almost instinctively to try to stop the blade coming at her but her effort was weak. Was this it? After everything? Gone from one society who wanted her dead or would have had they known to another.
The flash and painfulness was unexpected and any attempt made to protect herself failed.
The forest, familiar, her home. Home and family. It felt good being here, like she missed it even though it felt new. Islana didn't understand but was still happy to be here.
Her sister was nowhere to be seen, the thought the older sibling must have gotten distracted foraging, as she should have been back by now, crossed the redhead's mind for a brief moment.
Father? There he was standing, outside the door. Even from this distance Islana could tell he was actually sober. It was such a rare occurrence, any longer, that she had grown to know the signs. Standing not swaying, with that slight shake or more like involuntary movements he sometimes got when he wasn't drunk.
The sight filled her heart with joy, as these rare moments always did. Picking up speed, arriving at the clearing, only to be stopped by the sight of another man talking with her father.
The man looked around her father's age and was dressed in expensive garments, the kind Islana had rarely if ever seen. Tax collector. Was the first guess. Tax collectors and travelers were, usually, the only people who came through here.
However, this man and her father seemed to be talking and her father was not begging for another day, so probably not the tax man.
"Ah, there she is." Her father's voice cut off any additional wondering for the moment. "Islana come here, there is someone I want you to meet."
The stranger's eyes were upon the redhead as she made her way to the pair.
"Lord Vasant, this is Islana." No it wasn't her imagination the man was definitely eying her over, like a prize he had just won.
The gentle elbowing from her father, indicated she should greet this stranger. "Good day, Lord Vasant."
Lord Vasant turned back towards her father and said, "She's as you described. Worth the price I paid you."
Price? What was this man talking about? Why did he seem familiar, even though Islana could have sworn they never met.
Her father's face fell for a moment, he clearly had something to tell his daughter but maybe had wanted to do it another way.
Up close, getting a feeling for this Lord was easier. He stood a good foot taller than herself and several inches taller than her father. He wore expensive dark colored clothing. Dark, almost black hair, eyes weren't just dark but almost menacing.
"Islana, I have procured an opportunity for you. This man is going to take you with him. To live with him." Her father explained with as little emotion as possible.
No child grows up in Torja without knowing about slavery, the basics anyway. It was among the list of reasons given as to why Islana couldn't leave the woods near her home. With her features; especially the hair of fire she would be someone slave traders would want. Between that and what the Inquisition might do to her, the young girl had never needed ghost stories.
"You sold me!?" The words came out harshly.
All the things she wanted to say at that moment to her father. It was his fault they ended up in a situation like this. He couldn't stop drinking long enough to provide for them.
"I'm so sorry," Tears fell down her father's face, but Islana was too upset and scared, at that moment to acknowledge them.
"No! You can't. - Where's Aine?" The least the man could do was let her say goodbye to her older sister.
Audibly, her father sighed. " She's gone. Sold to a different man. Left about an hour ago."
The realization hit like a wall crumbling on top of the girl. Not only had she and her sister been sold, but they would never see each other again. They wouldn't even get to say goodbye.
Tears started streaming down her face as her head shook. "No! You can't do this."
"It's already done child," Vasant without a hint of compassion in his voice. "You belong to me now."
"Please, no - father, you can fix this. Take me back. We can get Aine back together." Those pleas would go unanswered.
Her father said nothing else, before going into their home and closing the door behind him.
"Time to go, child." Vasant ordered.
"What about my things?" Islana asked.
"What things? You will wear what I give you to wear. And give me that." Practically, ripping the bow and quiver off of her arms and tossing them to the side. "There will be none of that in my home. No slave of mine will have a weapon unless I allow it."
In the turmoil, Islana had almost forgotten about the bow. She hadn't been hunting so there was no catch to take care of.
Backing away, as the word, "no," left her mouth over and over and the tears continued. But Vasant caught her arm, squeezed it tightly, and made her stop.
"You are coming with me. Now get into the carriage." He yanked on her arm, pulled the girl to the carriage, practically shoving her inside.
When the door closed and the man began to go to the other side, Islana attempted to escape only to find the carriage door somehow locked shut.
Vasant casually got into the carriage, sat down and said. "Stop carrying on."
Scared, a little confused as to how it all happened so fast, and hurt by her father's betrayal, Islana couldn't help the tears falling from her emerald eyes.
From out of nowhere, it seemed, the man's hand connected with her face. "I believe I told you to stop crying "