Encounters With Gods In Writing

The meal remained untouched as Islana couldn't get away from the compulsion to write in the journal that had been left. It needed to be done, first.

It didn't require much thought to decide what to write about. With pen in hand words began forming where there had once been just a blank sheet.

"... it was the night of the sandstorm when I left the oasis.." After a very brief recap of how she ended up at the oasis with the diplomatic caravan, and the dream she had of the redheaded woman, Islana began to write her story of meeting with each of the Twin Gods.

"...Something told me to get down, close to the ground. At first I was kneeling but went to lie down quickly, though, at that point I wasn't sure why.

I suddenly found myself outside of my body. A whirlwind appeared which stopped in front of me. Sand appeared to be pulling upward. A man appeared before me but I knew it was really the God Viher.

Viher looked like the walking embodiment of death. He was decayed, withered away by time.

Viher spoke with a raspy voice but his lips did not move. The first thing he said was, 'I remember you…'

I still do not quite understand that, though I now have some suspicions as to why he said it.

Viher explained that he was Dust, The Eternal Reaver, Death.

He told me that he could offer me a painless death and then asked me if I wanted to die. I declined that offer.

He went on to explain how everything has a limited time, death is inevitable and how he created time so things would change and grow. Then Viher would kill what he had grown.

The Sand God's next words are forever etched in my mind

'You have traveled far, Islana Annora. Across my sisters' bottomless realm. You came with the invaders but stand apart. By blood and birthright. The desert will test you. Break you. Remould you. Or not…

Find my sister, if you are worthy. Follow the trail. Beyond the burning trees past where the Skara dwell...Find Yther. Or don't…'

I continued on the path…"

Islana skipped over much of what happened to her in the desert. Leaving that to fill more of the book, at a later time.

"After the Skara, Madaya, Kaithak and myself kept on. We came to an Oasis and opted to rest a while.

While I was asleep, I had a dream. I was floating on a river, it was warm, comforting. There was a soft breeze.

I stood up, letting my feet touch the sandy bottom of the riverbed.

My eyes spotted ripples in the water. From out of those ripples a woman appeared wearing a blue robe. She wore bracelets, a veil made of shells and carried a large conch shell.

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen; I knew it was the Twin God Yther. God of Water and Life.

While, the sight of her was something to behold, there was also something very wrong.

'To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the it, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.' Yther spoke, 'All water has perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it once came from…'

Pain and anguish fell across Yther's face; and her next words came at me with force. 'They are killing them. Spilling their blood across my twin's domain. Staining my own waters with their essence. They are murdering the ones that answered The Call…'

I tried to ask who they were but was given no answer.

'A veil of shadow has fallen down on the realm. Our vision is obscured and clouded by the blood of innocents." Yther continued, 'The harvest of souls has been tainted.'

At which point she began to sink down back into the waters. The skies grew darker and a cold bitter wind could be felt.

"You must hurry. Make haste to the Holy City. Guard yourself and your young companion. The sands of time are slipping away..." Was the last thing I heard her say, before I woke up.

Time being of the essence Madaya, Kaithak and myself continued on towards Gra'akast."

Islana finished writing, closed the book, covered the inkwell, and put down the feather pen. There was a strong feeling her story would be continued on those pages.

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