The enemy of my enemy


Despite her formidable powers, a fight against two warriors that could withstand most of her attacks was going to be a tall task for Shalia Nix, one she had not faced ever in her life. Back in Helias she had managed to fly under the Inquisition's watchful eye. She saw the woman with the sword, slice at the ice spike she created as if it was nothing more than a small nuisance. The man, for is part kept praying despite the sting of the cold and hard sand against his face.

If this was going to be the end she would make sure they were going to pay dearly for her life.

Voah's instincts took over. Whoever this man was and his symbols of protection and his faith would likely not last long against the witch's onslaught, so she had to end this quick. Taking a step forward and raising her sword to push their advantage, she saw something whistle past her face. The man to her her left grunted in pain, a dagger sticking out from his shoulder.

She turned too late to her right, trying to bring her sword to bear, before the man with the white eyes barrel into her sending her crashing down in a heap, slipping on the icy surface.

He brandished his sabre, with an undulating battle cry, grinning, having caught up with his prey.

The Holy City could be a shadow of its formed glory and half empty for its size, but one could not be dueling in the streets, with metal clashing abd bright flashes of magik bringing brightness to the darkeness before it attracted attention.

Soon nearby shouts, turned into shocked onlookers, and the sound of the city's guard boots running across the paved streets.

The man with the etched diamonds on his armour helped Voah up as the Dark Robe stood ahead of placing himself between her and her attackers.

The four looked at each other for a brief moment before deciding neither wanted to be caught her by the mobs that roamed the streets this night.

Cursing the two pairs turned and fled, but not before exchanging promises this was far from over.

< Prev : Witch's Blood Next > : Getting ready