
Both parties return to the city. The Grey Mouth trading party with the animals the set out to trade for, 20 horses and 40 caribou.
The Odonine party returns having secured some form of alliance with the mountain folks in exhange for weapons.

On your way back to the city you ponder what you have learned on your travels

Voah – You discover that it is a common belief among the Grey Mouth that certain rituals allow the living to speak with the dead mainly their direct ancestors. And that Odsier are firm believers that those with the “gift” can shape and influence nature around them. Women appear to be the only ones capable of performing these rituals or have the gift. Those that show aptitude and that they carry the blood of Erewhon hold positions of power and influence among the tribes.

Wim – Although at first it might appear that they are keeping you away from something or someone, the truth is that they don’t trust you, thus why they restrain your movements around the camp, although from the party, apart from Jab and Rash, you are probably the one that makes the natives more at ease. You discover that that tribes raid one another on occasion, usually to steal animals from one another. During you time among the Grey Mouth you notice the tribe enjoys singing, dancing but most of their entertainment centres around activities with their horses.

Blackwolf – You enjoy your time with the Odiser and learn what you can about their hard nomadic existence at the mercy of the elements and following the herds. Your time with the Grey Mouth allows you to learn a bit about their language and you grasp basic communication, like greetings, some numbers and names of some animals. You also trade some of your knives for a couple of bone carved earrings and a few colourful tanned hides that pass for art among the tribes.

Hunter – You spend you time observing as is your training. You discover that the Grey Mouth are likely in their low hundreds and that any men or women can fight. They use spears, bows and daggers as their main weapons and are excellent riders. Their language is made up of quick tweeting sounds.

Alexis – You learn that there are those in Fang that do not support War Chieftain and certain clans are weary of his ambitions although these appear to be a minority. You quickly understand that there is some resentment towards the tribes of the plains among the Odonine.

Tarmen – It is clear to you that the settlement is pushing for some form of pact with the mountain clans however you cannot be quite sure if you were part of trading party or something more complex.

OCC: More prompts later today.

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