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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
Oh Where Oh Where Could She Be?
The scarf wrapped around Gonyaul’s head experienced one of his seldom witnessed frowns and simultaneously hid it from the rest of the world. He had been scanning the gathering crowd, both those already present and those still coming, and he had yet to be able to identify the whereabouts of Voah. Maybe his guess that she would be there was wrong? Little did he know that she was actually there and he had passed over seeing her several times because he had not expect her to be concealing herself in disguise.
He was further in the back, to give himself the greatest cone of vision of the environment. In addition, he changed locations just a few times along the perimeter to get better views. His relocating didn’t look out of place, as many people were still moving to and fro jockeying for better spots, or to interact with others. Gonyaul realized that once things started he would need to stay still or risk drawing unwanted attention to himself. It felt like something might happen soon, so he made his way back to where he entered into the main group. If Voah wasn’t there, it would give him a direct exit back to his campsite sooner than later.
He didn’t understand almost anything the locals were discussing and gossiping about. He picked up on their tone though and gesticulation. They were upset, or in mourning, or both? That would explain the sound of complaining, and anxiety, as they discharged their discomfort. It also would explain the looks of worry and sadness which frequented many a face. Even those with faces covered, like Gonyaul, you could see in their eyes that they were distraught.
A people watcher, Gonyaul, took in the information being outputted by those present. If he hadn’t been so pressed to find Voah, he would have been more keen to sit back and take in all the details with more intentionality. He did notice that there was an area where people of importance had gathered. One in particular looked out of place, not because of her attire, but because of the features of her face. From a distance her pale skin was like seeing a living sculpture of marble crafted by a masterful hand. She must have been very important indeed to be set apart from the common folk present and permitted in a place of the honored. In addition, she obviously had protection.
Gonyaul shrugged it off, the likes of their paths ever crossing were extremely low and he had more important things to focus on right this instant then admiring strangers. The world was full of interesting people and there just never was enough time to get to know everyone.