View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur
View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
After going about her morning routine which included dance-style stretching and shadow kickboxing, Voah found herself immensely bored and needing an outlet.
She sat at an old table in the dark of their hideout, the sun's rays still beamed nearly horizontally across the room. Still early. Thanks to Gonyaul, they were able to acquire sacks of nuts, grains, dried fruits, and other supplies by this point. It was enough to last them a few weeks at least. She had prepared herself a hot bowl of the grains and a cup of wavka, a tea made by steeping the grounds of bitter leaves and sweet spices in hot water or milk. It had an initial sweet and creamy flavor, but the after taste, or after-scent rather, when she breathed the amalgam of spices out of her nose was what really made the drink special. She loved it and it was most likely part of the reason why she had such a boost of energy lately.
She unrolled the map on the table, studying it and trying to eek out more information from the thing.
"Tell me your secrets..." she said scowling at it.
The detail and care that went into its making told her that it was important. It seemed to be a tactical map used by military and it had probably been used to make copies. It would almost certainly be missed if they hadn't completed replicas. She inferred that whoever these dark robes were, they meant serious business.
Going back to sleep wasn't an option for her and neither was waiting around, pacing back and forth and waiting for Gonyaul all day, not with all of the things nagging on her mind and all the potential outside of these walls. There was still no homemaking to be done when one didn't have a place of permanent residence and had to carry everything on their person.
She had to go out deeper into the city again, had to see things for herself… but she couldn’t do it standing out like a sore thumb.
She needed dye and she knew just where to find it. Remembering the window she had chanced upon on a building that housed two of the kindest people she had met since arriving, Voah recalled the cloth drying on the lines outside the children’s windows. It had been recently dyed colors orange and blue and Voah knew the trade fairly well. She had even contemplated seeking a job that dealt with such things as dying, designing, tailoring, and altering fabrics so that she could make some money, get dyes to color the new Arisha Ikeburer, and possibly tailor another one for their wedding.
Voah guessed that one or both of the kids’ parents worked in the business. It was her best bet to start in the market on the way, then head toward their house if she had no luck.