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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Clever Fox
JP with Omni and Lorem:
It was now night and only what was left of the moon and the stars illuminated the part of the city below that they were traversing. Eventually, they made their way where there were a few lights visible, candlelight flickering from beneath closed doors and shut windows. The city was preparing for rest, but not Gonyaul and Voah, they were hauling gear as quietly and inconspicuously as possible.
He led them to an abandoned first floor space that was nearer to the docks on the edge of the main harbor where he had been forced to work that very day. It would suffice for at least tonight and tomorrow perhaps an even better holdup could be located. One of the benefits was less people came out this way as he discovered from being out there all day. In addition, they had to cross a few paths which, during the day, had frequent ambulation. This would easily make sure any tracks they did leave, would get completely lost in the mess of marks.
Once arrived Gonyaul began setting up camp. He was already tired from a long day and this chore of relocating had not been on his agenda for the night. But then, you don’t always get what you want. In fact, he thought they may enjoy a romantic even with intimate sharing of culture and cuddling. Now he figured it may be best to have night watches to be on guard?
Having been silent up till now, in order to not draw attention, he finally spoke. “what you thinking?” He was pretty sure she was teaming with hypothesis that needed testing. Perhaps her processing it would provided useful information for how much trouble they were actually about to be in and how to move forward.
Too energized and awake to think about sleep, Voah helped unpack the necessities only. Regardless of the fact that most people didn't come out this way, she kept her voice low.
"I'm thinking that stake they carved slices into was a tally marker. They reek of spies and assassins. The map is further proof of spies, and because it has been hand drawn and not a professional cartograph from Ostiarium, I am certain that they are not in league with the Duke for some kind of immunity, at least not yet.
They are gaining intel from the Gate City, but I'm guessing that isn't all. They are trying to infiltrate secretly, possibly to destabilize the leadership of the colony. The citizens of Gra'akast don't want us here, there is no denying that... but these dark robes... the people don't want them either so... The question is... why do the citizens shun them? It would seem that they would welcome an attack on Ostiarium. My instincts tell me we are in more danger here than we thought."
Gonyaul blinked in amazement. He was stupefied into silence hearing how Voah’s mind had already started asking questions, making connections, and drawing inferences of motivation from observing outcomes. He definitely didn’t think like that at all as his first choice.
He probably could if sat down and required too, but with Voah it seemed like her natural default way of processing the world around her. The Vaux would call this a kagim mark. He found himself smiling again in admiration of her, despite the threatening situation both to them and abroad.
“You remarkable in way think. Clever like gold fox.” He winked. He had been practicing his winks, they still didn’t come across as sexy. At best they were cute because, while failing, he tried hard and his heart was genuine.
He soaked up her words. She painted a vivid picture. Perhaps she could reverse engineer it with that clever mind thought Gonyaul; provide a solution to their predicament.
“What do think need be done?” He inquired of her expertise. Having someone that thought so differently about things did indeed bring about more conflict; however, if navigated well it was a tremendous blessing.