In a While Crocodile

JP with Lorem and Omni:

With Voah asleep, Gonyaul had to have a conversation with her feet. He massaged them both even though she wasn’t awake. He hoped that his touch would help ease the tensions waring within her body. He hoped the melody and the vibrations from his humming would soothe her mind. And he hoped his presence would calm her aching heart.

He was more than content to let her slumber as long as possible. He would continue to care for her, which included applying some damp cloth to key places on her person to help with the overexposure to heat. Yet another reason to be thankful for his friend, the river. Gonyaul also took this time to look at her, really look at her. Like a master artist, he focused in on all the design principles that sculpted her being. He had just thought he lost her forever, for a second time, he would not make the mistake of taking the chance to “see” her for granted again.

Even in her weakened, disheveled and beaten state, Voah was more lovely than ever to him.

Hours went by and it was apparent more were to come. Gonyaul took a moment to jog back to where he found her and retrieve her sword. He had to handle it carefully through the fabrics of his robe, for it presently was burning hot having been laying in the sun. He looked at it like he was talking to his kin, “What happened?” Of course swords don’t talk back, but he was sure if it could it would have obliged him. He returned the sword to camp.

Upon arrival he got the brilliant idea to try and use it to catch a meal. Gonyaul first changed the damp cloths helping keep her body temperature in check, and then took the staff and her sword with him further back down the river. He had noticed one of those river dwelling beasts that looked like floating logs sunbathing earlier. Perhaps it would be so kind as to offer itself up on the end of her sword so he could make a hearty meal for his loved one?

What fortune, the large crocodile was still there. Well, it actually wasn’t the largest he had seen on the river. Based on head size, the biggest he had ever spotted were always in the water. This one was below average, moderate in size, a juvenile most likely.

He tried to sneak up from behind it; however, realized based on its eye placement that he was probably already detected. It didn’t budge though from its sunbathing. Gonyaul guessed it was because this creature was in line to be an apex predator in this environment and did not view a human, something it hadn’t experienced before, as any form of threat.

Gonyaul approached quickly at the last second. With the staff in his right arm he placed one end down on the ground near the right side of its head. He was going to distract it while he plunged the sword in his left hand into the nape of the neck for a killing blow.

The large reptile was faster and stronger than he supposed. It whipped around its head to face him, hissing in warning. It’s elongated jaws took hold the end of the staff and it barrel rolled. This wrenched the staff out of Gonyaul’s hand and caught him off balance.

Trying to keep his footing, Gonyaul failed to see the powerful tail swing round until the last second. He had to lose his footing, or take a wallop. Gonyaul leapt over the tail, having to go horizontal in the air and landing on his side in order to dodge it.

The crocodile released the staff and gained its baring. Now agitated, it threateningly turned to charge at the prone Gonyaul. As he lunged, Gonyaul rolled away in order to bring the sword up. The force of the creatures advance caused it to impel itself onto the blade. The jaws tried to clamp shut over Gonyaul’s hands holding the blade; however were unable. The blade had pierced through the upper soft palette of the open mouth, through the brain and out the back of the head. The hilt of the sword had caught the jaws on either side from closing, much to Gonyaul’s good luck.

Voah came to once or twice. The first time, she woke to the feeling of Gonyaul diligently applying cool, damp cloth to her radiating skin. The next time, she woke to an empty tent. Blinding light split the entrance, but there was no sign of Gonyaul. Just the sounds of the river bugs chirping close by and the hush of the desert wind on the reeds. Each time she woke, she was out again in seconds. Until finally she woke to the smell of something cooking. Her stomach began grumbling audibly and physically at her.

Gonyaul could be heard singing a song, that he was making up on the spot, in Helian. His lyrics dealt with his battle with the crocodile. They were silly and struggled to rhyme; however, he seemed very pleased with himself and was enjoying the moment.

He emerged not long after back into the tent to see Voah was awake finally. He had carved some cooked crocodile meat and placed it in their small bowl they shared.

Taking a seat near her head, he first made sure she drank some water. Than he was prepared to help feed her dinner. “Welcome back.” He smiled.

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