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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur
War & Justice
Great Desert of Skulls
Despite her only verbal question there was no doubt in her mind that the God would most likely would have heard all her thoughts, despite how jumbled or fragmented they were.
He turned to her after many heartbeats after he seemed to survey the land ahead of him like a predator looks at a landscape where is planning his ambushes.
“That time is well past us, Voah Sahnsuur. You will never be an Arbiter again.” Came the brutally honest answer. Again, His words came through as non-judgemental and without criticism but with the honesty of a seasoned warrior. Filled with something akin to regret and heavy with disappointment.
Coming closer to her, Vastad towered over Voah. She could see the weathered lines in His face, the features of someone who had walked countless fields of battle. The eyes of someone who had reaved thousands of bloodlines upon His blades. He looked down at her from His impressive height, gazing upon her eyes.
“After all this time, still cowering in the shadows. Scared, frightened, trembling. Like when you watch them kill your mother.” The words came as a blow that made the former Arbiter gasp aloud.
“Still a child. Reaching out her tiny hand to anyone that will hold it. Still waiting for others to tell you what to do, how to act, what to believe in. Your father, your tutor, your companions. Always a follower. Never a leader." She felt His words in the pit of her soul.
“There are no just wars, lass.” He declared. “Justice is nothing but the charity of the wise. Life is not fair. It will never be. You know that. Or should know by now…”
His presence seemed to stretch and fill the whole world as he spoke.
“To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace. We have been fighting a long war. There are always casualties along the way.” He said and she knew the words were directed at her situation.
“And the war is calling us to these wild shores.” He looked past Voah into the desert. “The others will follow soon. Zin already stalks the Odsier Plains.”
His voice becomes sterner. “ We all have parts to play. Even you.” He paused. “You and your Child of the Void. There is no running Voah Sahnsuur.” His gaze went to her sword. His holy relic, now even being used to dig roots and grass…