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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Correct Direction?
Islana continued on the path, or she hoped it was the path. The fact that the tracks which led away from the fiery oasis had taken the same direction, filled her with apprehension. What had made those tracks and was it dangerous?
For perhaps the first time since the pilgrimage began, the redhead was questioning the direction she was being led to take. Her curiosity was strong but was it stronger than the pull? Unlikely. Still, the question of whether it was the correct way to go crossed her mind more than once.
The young woman's gaze saw something, up ahead, or thought she did. Maybe, it was the movement of whatever had made the tracks.
Islana stopped for a moment. The dried meat and dates came out of her pocket. They looked fine, no blood or ash had gotten on them.
A little water was drunk and Islana ate some of the jerky. Just giving a slight reprieve. While grateful for the provisions given, there was a thought how nice it would have been, if bathing her burnt, blistered body in the watering hole had been an option. Still, she still thanked the animal for the jerky and the Twin Gods for allowing her and Kaithak to remain alive.
The young witch knew her inner strength and magik had something to do with her survival but she had almost died a few times and likely did die, at least once, so the redhead was convinced there was more to it. That something more had to be the Twin Gods, at least in her mind. Weirdly enough, when Islana worshipped the Pillars, she rarely thought the Gods had much to do with her survival. They just always seemed so distant.
Meeting an actual God, does change one's perspective on the whole divinity thing. Still, the push towards the Twin Gods had occurred before then. Once Islana knew about them everything began to fall into place and a lot more things made sense.
With a little food in her, the woman continued to head north as she felt the calling to do so. Her body had been dragging for days but pushing forward was the only option. Hopefully, if fate was to meet up with the maker of the tracks in the sand, then whatever it was wouldn't try to kill her.