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View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
To the Holy City
Leaving the town was a relief for Tarmen. Not only had staying in one place begun to itch, but being in the dry heat and ever pervasive sand was all around irritating.
He had enjoyed Ekero’s company above anything else here, learning what he could about the desert and its trials and finding some comradery with the little man's odd and often grim sense of humor. His advice had boiled down into a single truth; the land wouldn’t test him, it would throw him right into the fire. A truly comforting thought indeed.
As he and Alexis joined the caravan, he patted the pocket that contained a gift from the elder craftsmen, one of his pepper bombs. He had learned a few words of Ekero’snative tongue, enough to know this was a form of gift when his rough hands had placed it on his own.
He wasn’t so sure about putting it on a string, but Tarmen had plans to keep it. A memento of a kindred spirit in this land of growing madness. It was an odd thought at first, but the idea of gathering new trophies and trinkets was growing on him quickly.
Focusing on the expanse awaiting them, Tarmen couldn’t think of anything finding life here naturally besides the cacti. Even then, the beasts he saw with the caravan were a middle finger to that thought. Camels, that was what Berus had translated. Creatures that somehow thrived here, something that earned them Tarmen’s respect. He didn’t know how the people here could ride them however, seeing how the saddles swayed like a ship at sea, but with horses being of little use it made sense. Who knew, a couple days of walking and he would probably consider feeling a little sea sickness… desert sickness?… just to rest a bit.
He hadn’t been much help to Alexis in her search for the girl and hoped she didn’t hold it against him. Berus had made it clear enough the girl wouldn’t be found and if they were to, she would be in this Holy City they themselves were heading to. No point in wasting time comforting a family that refused the truth of their child leaving of her own accord.
Still, he had kept a distance from her. Better safe than sorry.
He had also noted her hand over the hammer on several occasions, something that worried him. He had only been free of the imp for a short time and still remembered that bound sense of reliance on it. On several occasions he had wanted to bring it up, but he couldn’t know how she would react. Besides, it didn’t seem to be weighing on her quite like it had on him.
He still found a place by her side as they began the next leg of this “holy quest”, unsure if they would make it out of this scorching hellscape, but fully committed to the adventure it was sure to be.