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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Instinct vs Herself
What an odd sight. Trees burning, a tent smoldering. The oddest thing however seemed to be the bodies. Were they dead, alive, in need of help? Was there really anything Islana could do for them?
Burning trees? Were these the burning trees that Viher spoke of? Was she close to finding Yther? Or was something else going on here?
The movement, which was there and gone, left her a little suspect but it could have been anything or nothing at all, perhaps even a trick of her eyes.
The young woman's instinct wasn't sure about any of this but that feeling she shouldn't just keep walking, that maybe the people there were in need of help, was eating at her.
The redhead was exhausted, not just from the journey, lack of food and water but from having to evaluate and reevaluate every decision made. The only thing, it felt like, she didn't have to decide on was the direction taken.
It could be a test, or another test, to see if she would leave the two laying there or help them. It could just be a coincidence. It might be something else.
It seemed as if the trees were mostly what was on fire, but if she was going to check on the bodies, it had to be quickly. There was no need to linger longer than necessary just in case the ground also caught on fire.
The young witch also was aware this could be a set up, but to what end? Still, she told Kaithak to take off, letting the bird fly high above, just in case. Then she headed towards the bodies, being cautious to keep an eye out for anything suspicious or more suspicious than the scene playing out in front of her.