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View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
Journey II
Alexis and Tarmen spent the rest of the week in the company of Berus and Ekero most of the time.
The mercenary from Garrah made a few inquires around the missing girl but it led nowhere. The girl had indeed vanished without a trace and Alexis came to believe she had done so of her own accord.
Despite not learning anything of their daughters fate, the mother presented a beautiful hand woven scarf to Alexis, for her journey across the Desert.
In the evenings when the four usually met for meals conversation was usually around the Ozainae and their culture, about this mysterious figure called Sister Locust and what they could expect in Gra'akast.
They learn that likely they would not be welcomed with open arms. Not only because of the fact that Helians were seen as invaders to Arcadia but because one of the most important prophecies of the Ozainae, the highest tenet of The Wandering, claimed that people from across the sea would come to Arcadia at the end of times.
The conversations revealed also unusual parallels between the Twins and the gods of Fang, Fosia and Noraura. The fact that the first Prophetess had been a priestess dedicated to Fosia was not lost on all.
There was obviously more at play than they could decipher but a connection between the two cultures religiously was undeniable.
For the most part Tarmen spent some time learning some Ozainae words and even some Izali, the language spoken by Ekero. He tried to learn as much as possible about the desert but it became clear that it would be a very steep learning curve. The place seemed designed to kill anyone who did not belong.
When the caravan final arrived in Desdem, Berus arranged for passage for the two. It was not easy even with the young boy's influence. Three horses and their saddles and a bag of gold.
But a few days later with the caravan laden with goods and after saying their goodbyes, they set off to Gra'akast, the Holy City in the Desert of Skulls...