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View character profile for: Islana Annora
What's Best?
Islana watched as the man ate some food and drank in front of her without offering any to her. Her stomach was empty and protesting this development.
The man telling the young woman that he had water inside his tent, hadn't really answered her question but filled her with a small amount of hope. Maybe, water would be given?ยน
The redhead should have known better, water was a commodity out here and it apparently carried a heavy price tag. Kaithak.
Glancing at the falcon which still sat on her shoulder, how could she give him up? Looking towards the meat, knowing there was water, how could she not?
It was far more than what was offered through Kaithak would likely be better off with this man than traipsing through the desert with the young witch, who couldn't even find a decent water source.
Kaithak though was more than just a hunting bird. He had protected the redhead, been her constant companion, and kept Islana going. The falcon's loyalty was such that even if she gave him up he likely would just come looking for the witch.
Kaithak mostly took orders from Islana through her power. She had taught the bird a few commands by whistling, in case it was needed to cover what was actually going on between the young witch and the falcon, but would Kaithak even take commands from another? What if he didn't?
It felt selfish to keep Kaithak and selfish to let him go. Either way, Islana knew she would always question the final decision.
The witch's own words came back to her. Yther, if saving me requires a sacrifice, something given of myself. Like the first Prophetess that went deaf. I am willing to give it. If you find me worthy of saving.
Was this the sacrifice she would have to give? Couldn't it have been her left arm or something like that? It would be less painful emotionally than giving away Kaithak.
Then again this stranger didn't seem like he was a God in disguise. Would the Twin Gods even do something like that? Maybe, it was a test of Islana's loyalty. Maybe, it was just another loss to add to the ones the young woman had already gone through.
The one thing perhaps above all that the redhead had granted her winged friend was autonomy. Kaithak had never been forced to stay with her. Forcing the decision now seemed incredibly wrong.
Islana walked a little ways away from the fire and using her power, mentally sent the message. Stay with me or go with him? As she pointed out the man. Not surprisingly Kaithak didn't move from her arm but there was no telling if the bird understood.
It just seemed wrong and very much treating Kaithak like a slave to just give him away to a stranger. She had no way to know how this man would treat the falcon.
It also seemed wrong to keep the bird, given the circumstances. If she died, what would Kaithak do? She had already seen how he responded when death had almost overtaken her and it had been very difficult to watch.
Walking back by the fire, Islana sat down with Kaithak on her shoulder. All the while trying to think of what was best for the falcon. If she only had some sign this wasn't a chance meeting or that Kaithak would be treated well. She attempted to ask the man more about what he wanted Kaithak for. She knew the word for hunt but the rest was, mostly, done through gestures.