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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Muros Mosaic
JP with Omni, Winteroak and Lorem:
Finally the Naravas takes you into a circular central chamber, with a shaft that opens up to the desert above. Sand and dust cover the floor but on one of the walls is a large mosaic made of thousand of multi coloured stones, that depict what is likely the skeleton above during life.
As Voah suspected it is indeed a similar creature to the Baleia she saw during her trip to Sentinel Island.
It is not clear yet why the robed man is showing you this.
Gonyaul spun slowly around to take in the engineering and architectural details of the circular space. If this place was as ancient as he assumed, it was impressive what they were able to accomplish. Many of these subterranean marvels had him wondering if the surface had regressed in regards to advancements and innovations and were just now starting to catch up.
The mosaic was breathtaking on two accounts. The craftsmanship was well designed and preserved. In addition, the mere thought that a creature like this existed was mind blowing. How did the world sustain such massive beasts? He wished he could meet one in real life, but simultaneously it probably wasn’t a good idea.
He looked to Voah and then to Naravas and simply smiled to show his enjoyment of the tour. It was very obvious he was awestruck.
The artistry of this underground museum hinted at a more advanced culture than she had met thus far in Arcadia. Perhaps this Holy City would feel more familiar to her than the tribes and clans.
She approached the mosaic and examined it, raising a hand to touch, but stopped short. She didn’t know if that would be at a taboo.
“ Baleia?” she asked.
Gonyaul paused mentally cataloging the color combinations used in the depiction of the large creature on the wall when Voah spoke. Did she actually know what it was?
He looked to Voah, “You see before?” He spoke aloud; creating a three way triangle of communication. He didn’t mean to interrupt, it just came out of his mouth because it surprised him.
Naravas looked at Voah curiously. It was obvious he did not understand the word.
"Muros..." He said and bowed to the mosaic.
“Muros…” she repeated, trying out the word. Then to Gonyaul she responded. “I may have seen something very similar on our mission to Sentinel Island. It was a great, beautiful sea creature.”
Voah pointed back the way they came from and upward.
Once again she addressed Naravas.
“The bones - -“ then she made a sort of curved rib cage shape with her hands. “Muros?”
The robed man nodded pointing upwards.
It was obvious that the priests revered this great beast but the reason and details were still unclear. Voah nodded silently and continued to follow attentive to Naravas.
Gonyaul’s curiosity took over in full force. He hadn’t yet figured out the relevance to this place, other than a seemingly advanced civilization long ago made this place to save certain events, or memories, for posterity.
Why did they choose what was chosen to be represented? What was the value in its layout? Did such things matter for the present, or was this all just pretty things to look at but inconsequential if forgotten.
The architecture and craftsmanship was exquisite, it must have been important or created by opulence. Gonyaul assumed he was just not smart enough to figure out the connections. He let his senses take over and gave them free reign of his actions.
While Voah and Navaras were still conversing he went right up to every nook and cranny of the room they were in and placed his face inches from every wall and decorative stone giving it a closer look. He still didn’t touch anything, out of respect, but he was sniffing and listening to it along with sight.
He wanted to touch it though, curious to what ancient felt like.