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And it begins
Posted byPosted: Jan 5, 2022, 11:44pm
Grasslands West of Ostiarium day one
Preparing for the week Wolf made sure he had all of his equipment ready. Wolf's bedroll was made of hides from deer and bison wrapped in canvas. This was not his first trip into the unknown he had many trips in his life even with the military a few times. Wolf made sure everything was waterproofed using beeswax and honey. He thought on his training from his Grandfather a famous person in the Great Library of Orb and the society of scholars. Being trained by him Put Wolf in another class than the other in the scholars. It helped Wolf to build his reputation and have privileges others did not have. Like doing research for the Emperor advisers and other high officials back in the Great Library of Orb. now sent on this mission to document the new lands was a great honor and the pay was not bad either being sponsored by the Library of Orb.
He had been spending some time with Elizabeth Sadir when it was allowed. Her father was not a man to be won over easily. This would take time Wolf knew he had to prove himself worthy. Some of the time checking on supplies looking over the area to get an idea of what plant life was here and animals documenting what he could. He had to travel like so he would only take his Gambeson with leather Brigandine Vest armor and his weapons his riveted chain shirt would have to stay in the lockbox in his room with his other stuff.
Before he knew it it was the morning group that would leave Wolf gave the idea that they would take turns driving the team for the wagon. The days were cold and wet with the rain coming and going which did not make things easy for the group to walk or even move with the grass being about 2 to 3 feet tall slowed them down a bit.
Balck wolf was trying to play his instrument as the wagon boused around. the Arbiter had asked for him to bring it he really did not want to on this trip it was an expensive instrument. He played to her singing, finding the right chords to correspond to her voice as they traveled.
when the Arbiter talked about the mountains. He made a mental note of the position of the mountains and where it corresponded with the town. and proximity that had been traveling. He could tell the acolyte cartographer was doing the same making notes when he could. He had hoped by now to find a river or stream they could fallow. he knew where there was water there is life.
Wolf would also watch for Hunter and his marking sometimes he would stop playing to listen or check on something. soon the sun showed itself some it was directly over them. Wolf looked at the Arbiter "it would be good to take a break up here". He points to a clearing or a spot of shorter grass.