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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Humming Hopes for the Future
Gonyaul imagined the nighttime air was beckoning the two of them to bare witness to the secret beauty of the desert, apart from the grueling trials the day brings. He could feel the cool breeze playfully tussling his hair and likewise see it kissing down upon the sands, causing it to shift and flitter about on the surface. It was apparent that even the lightest of breezes could slowly transform the landscape before the sun would once again peek over the horizon. In addition, the magnanimous starlight caused random flecks of sand to shimmer in response. It was like peering off into a dune sea of the tiniest crystals.
Gonyaul was forecasting beyond what his eyes could see, further than the present stars and the Great Desert of Skulls. As his imagination danced around, he envisioned the happy life they would build together. He smiled softly as he fantasized over the adventures they might undertake, the home that they would build, and the family that they would enjoy. He was curious what spheres of influence they would impact in the time to come for the better. Clear details weren't available to him, but just a feeling roughly sketched out by his high hopes.
He considered himself most fortunate to be loved by Voah. It was like having the life giving warmth of the sun on all sides. He was about to look back at her, the tidal swell of admiration was too great in his heart to contain without transferring some form of affirmation. At the moment his affections were about to carry him blissfully away he felt her warm embrace wrap around him from behind.
Gonyaul reached up and locked her arm's hold on him with his loving hands. His head gently rested back against her. His heart was racing with excitement as he melted in her grasp. Voah was the greatest gift his life had ever known and his gratitude exponentially climbed.
Suddenly Gonyaul was drawn out of his whimsical daydreaming as his peripheral vision caught the emergence of lights on the horizon. Could it be their caravan or perhaps other desert travelers? His curiosity was suddenly ablaze. He believed in providence, this could not be mere luck or coincidence. Whatever it was, it mattered and he felt compelled to investigate.
He turned his head and gave Voah a sweet kiss on the cheek, his lips now soft and hydrated from their time camping at the well. "Do you see what I see?" He pointed off towards what he presumed to be campfires off in the distance.