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View character profile for: Islana Annora
A rescue by a rather large jackal, the largest Islana had ever seen. It had been unexpected but appreciated. Would there be more strange creatures in her path?
Chapped lips, a dryness that went into her throat, her skin was not even springing back as much, water was vital at this point.
Her eyes watched as the animal pointed east and then took off in another direction. If a coin had been at her disposal, Islana might have tossed it, to decide on a direction but of course she had none at her disposal.
Feeling the bumps on the back of her neck was odd, the young woman didn't know what to think of that.
A decision had to be made quickly. Was the jackal pointing her towards water? Should she follow the Sk'elep? Either way, it was a risk but was also a chance to find what she needed.
Closing her eyes for a moment, hoping instinct would take over and point out the correct decision but no such thing occurred.
Saying a silent goodbye to the Sk'elep, the young woman headed east. Only hoping that water was actually in that direction.