Beachside Pyre

JP with Lucian, Bandorchu and Winteroak

Blood flowed freely down Tar's chest. His red stained mouth grimaced in obvious pain.
The spear head was lodged pretty deep and if it was barbed like the others Alexis and Tarmen had seen there was not much they could do for the man.

He groaned in pain as his fingers touched the wooden haft, his face deadly pale as the blood pooled in the sand below him.

He reached under his vest, bear his belt and pulled something out that the woman from Garrah recognised immediately.

"Ta...Take it... " He started slowly as he wheezed loudly as he struggled to speak. "Find it... Return it to Fang. Bring it back... Back to him..." He said pushing the bloody package into Alexis shaking hands.

Tar, former acolyte of Kupen turned proxy of Fosia, died soon after in her arms...

Alexis gently laid down Tar’s now lifeless body, just kneeling next to him for another moment.

Her gaze found the bloody package he had entrusted her with in his final moments. After another moment of silent hesitation she took it into her hand and rose to her feet.

She secured the package under her gambeson for safekeeping, the item a heavier burden on her soul than on her body.

Taking in the carnage surrounding them, she deliberately breathed in and out a few times to compose herself.

She needed to collect her shield and weapons. They needed to find their horses. And most likely, they needed to get out of here sooner rather than later. But…

She finally turned to face Tarmen.

“Do you think we have time to give him a burial by fire at least?”

She asked her friend plainly. Alexis felt that Tar would have liked that.

Tarmen found himself in a debate with his own mind. He wanted to remind her of the war party they just faced and how likely it was that more would appear.
He also knew Alexis didn’t ask lightly. This was important and as much as he wanted to berate her, he also cared too much to push her away right now.
A deep sigh escaped him as he looked to the boats.
“They should make a decent pyre. I don’t know if we would have the time to cut any more.”
He left to begin moving and breaking them apart, also grabbing bits of driftwood that could be of service.

Alexis knew she was being foolish, but she couldn’t help herself.
She was all the more grateful that Tarmen was willing to humour her despite the risk.

She collected her weapons and shield first because unfortunately she might need them, then grabbed the axe again to aid Tarmen and shorten the time her sentimentality forced them to remain here.

With both silent in their work, it wasn’t long before a size able heap was formed and Tar’s body was placed upon it.
Tarmen was grateful his flint and steel hadn’t been entirely lost from the battle, having had to look in several places before locating them. He handed them to Alexis, allowing her the full honors for the occasion.
He didn’t know the man for long, but he knew the feeling of losing someone close. Not even always friendly, but someone you just expected to be there a bit longer and Zin proving the cruelty of life with their absence.
“Not hearin’ anythin’ from the trees. Unless there is an ambush waitin’, you should have time for a few words, if you wanted.”

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