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View character profile for: Islana Annora
At some point, Islana's body went from kneeling to laying flat, though she likely couldn't have said exactly when, but the redhead ended up directly facing the storm.
The sand pelted her over and over, the wind sounded as if a thousand wolves were trapped in its core. The persistence of the dry, hot, dust filled blizzard, the struggles to breathe, and her body rapidly being covered by dust was wavering her calmness.
Then the abuse of the storm stopped, the wind had grown distant, Islana though didn't move. It was if she was waiting on something, perhaps making sure it didn't circle back.
Her eyes were closed, her mind's eye seemed fully aware even in the darkness that lay with it. A glow turned slowly into a light, a light which filled her mind, to show her the desert surrounding her.
The young witch pulled herself back to kneeling but was unable to move as her internal gaze fell upon a small circular pattern of air moving fast among the dunes. It stopped in front of her, she just stared as a body appeared from the dust.
The man looked like something crafted for scary tales told by gifted storytellers. He seemed worn away by time and the elements. Islana was too shocked to be frightened.
A wave of reverence overcame her as the realization of who it must be took hold in her mind. Viher
There was no doubt in her mind this was very real, and certainly more connected to her core than anything felt with the Pillars. Islana stayed kneeling, unable to figure out what to do next. How does one address a God?