Making An Entrance

Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep Great Hall - Evening

The noble led the Arbiter into the Great Hall when their names were called, locked at the arm, she was carrying with her the trunk that had previously been stolen. She was asked to leave her sword and censer at the door as if that applied to her. If it came to that, she wouldn’t be needing them away.

The splendor of the Great Hall was even more impressive than the last time she was here and it was less lonely. Many of the guests smiled as they entered but some couldn’t hold back their looks of displeasure. She wasn’t sure if it had to do with herself or her handsome escort. No matter.

The sounds of music warmed her heart just as the scintillating fireplace warmed her skin and the amalgam of scents teased her senses, making her mouth water and her stomach rumble.

Busy with a day of blessings and planning, Voah had like time for eating and it was starting to take its toll, but her first concern was to deliver the gift to the Duke, whom she easily spotted across the room. She met his eye, but before she and Wim Riese could made it more than a few steps, Friar Balvaris approached.

“Good evening, Friar.” She feigned interest. He seemed a decent fellow but the man was in her way. “I trust the festival has gone well for you?”

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