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Left Turn
Posted byPosted: Dec 28, 2021, 10:51am
Hunter continued his walking around as he observed everyone enjoying themselves. He also noticed the ones in the alley who were enjoying themselves a bit to much, but that's how it was in this place he figured. Time passed on and he purchased different small snacks from different stalls to get an idea for the local foods he would be seeing around. Some foods were okay and others.......well they were edible.
Eventually it was time for the big dance hosted by the Arbiter and her minions. Hunter was a bit curious by what they had planned to do. Granted was familiar with religions and some of their customs, but he was not privy to everything they believed and practiced. Then around twenty five performers came out with the Arbiter to perform a well choreographed dance to some music played by the scholar guy named Wolf and a few others. As Hunter watched the performance he could see why many found the Arbiter enchanting. She was indeed beautiful and very flexible. It was obvious she trained her body for balance and speed unlike others who preferred strength and power. Sadly Hunter knew she was bad news since she was a zealot. Zealots are the type to put their beliefs above other things and people. When he killed it was a job, but when they killed it was a massacre. He found it unsettling when they used their religion to wipe towns, cities and countries. It was the main reason he disliked religion, since those supposed gods did nothing to stop the death in their names. So even though the Arbiter was beautiful and graceful, all he saw her as was a warlord looking for more power. He was not looking forward to working with her. then the show was over and the crowd cheered as he watched from behind and pretended to clap along.
Then Hunter was thinking of maybe going back to the barracks and read a book, but sadly he was spotted by some of the guards. They smiled as they surrounded him in good cheer. Hunter was puzzled by what they wanted so he politely questioned them as to why they were keeping him from leaving. Then they told him they had a meeting about the upcoming mission and he would need to go to the Drunken Hare with them. Hunter stared at their smug mugs as he debated on his options. Then he sighed as he gave in and walked with them to the Drunken Hare, however he had no plans get drunk since he didn't trust anyone yet. When he got there the guards bought him a mug of watered down ale and made a toast to fame, fortune and women. Hunter played along but mostly listen to them ramble on.