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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Healing Hands
JP with Winteroak and Cindy
The queasiness subsided slightly when placed on the chair. Her headache was still present but not the mind altering pain from earlier. As for the injured left arm, Islana was starting to believe it might never have a chance to heal completely. It was definitely putting in its own complaint about the situation.
When the darkness of the hood gave way to light once again, it took a few moments for the green eyes to readjust.
Despite the unknown language heard earlier; the expectation was to see the bounty hunter gazing upon her. What was found however was quite different.
The men only caught Islana's eye for a moment, as they stepped to the side to reveal a woman. Shaved head, flowing robes but the thing that really caught her attention was the woman's dark eyes.
Clearly not Alcuin but was this situation worse or better?
Islana was in a tent, she quickly realised. Or at least it appeared that she was in one. There were a few bed rolls on the floor, on top of a very large rug. The chair she sat had no back, more like a bench. She noticed a very old man sitting in a corner of the room. His face was like worked leather. His complexion dark, as if the man had spent all his life under the sun. He was wearing a white turbant, a sleeveless vest and a pair of short trousers.
The woman looked at him and nodded at Islana. The old man's rose from the floor, unsteadily, but no one moved to help him. He walked feebly towards the young huntress, dragging his feet, his hands shaking. Once he reached Islana he placed his hands over her injured arm. She felt his calloused hands on her flesh for only a moment before a wave of soothing heat left his hands slowly spreading up her arm and into her shoulder.
She caught a glimpse of his milky white eyes flashing blue, as she felt her muscles and tendons in her limb straighten, the bruising subsiding and her bone heal.
A few heartbeats later all pain and discomfort was gone. All the while the man spoke a few words, as if a lullaby or a prayer. So stunned she was what was he was doing that she failed to recognised that his words spoke to her...
And he was done he waddled back to the corner of the tent, sitting down on the floor again.
Whether it was because he was old, seemingly feeble or something else the redhead felt no danger from the old man. Even when his warming hand reached her arm, which was quite odd for the young woman.
The warmth which spread up her arm felt gentle, soothing and like nothing experienced before. It was clearly magikal before witnessing the man's eyes flash from white to blue.
While knowing the flashing of her own eyes couldn't be excately the same; Islana had to wonder if it looked somewhat similar, as she had never seen it in herself just felt it.
After what was going weeks of injury after injury, the time it took felt like nothing, the healing like everything. There was something said by the old man but, in her shock, it didn't register with Islana, she probably wouldn't have understood it anyway. Not knowing how to thank the man, the young witch bowed, without getting up, towards the old healing witch.
Just watching as he sat back down, moving her arm around, full motion felt remarkably good. Her headache was gone, and stomach felt fine.
With the injuries no longer impeding her, her mind went to how to escape but the rather large guards stopped that idea. Still, Kaithak....the thought of the bird made her heart ache. Islana desperately wanted to find him, find out how the falcon was but had no idea how to ask.
Instead, the young woman sat there looking around once more before her eyes landed back on the shaved head woman with the dark eyes.