

Wim - You arrived in Ostiarium a few days later after your brief encounter with one of the Odsier tribes. Although you have not been gone that long it seems like a life time. Three ships are docked at the pier, hundreds more people swarm the Gate City. everywhere you look new buildings are going up, large swathes of forest are giving way to farming. After so long in the open expanse of the Plains and Fang, one of the first thing that hits you is the smells. The smells of food, of hundreds of people living and rutting in close quarters. The smell of progress.

You stop by Skunkwork Ale to see how the business is faring on your way to your future father-in-law, Eren Sadir's house. You have much to discuss with him and of course with your wedding a few short months away you need to get planning.

You consider if you will share with Elisabeth that you killed Boyce Blackwolf.

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