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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Poem
JP with Voah and Gonyaul
She pull his most recent letter from her garments where she kept it safe.
“And a poet.” she finally smiled again, remembering the sweet words. She decided to read it again aloud.
“Voah”, she made a mocking gasp, “That’s me!” and smirked.
“Oh the warmest of days season my life when you fill my thoughts. I now know why the flower of the field reaches so proudly for the kiss of sunshine. With that much passion do I blossom to know thee better.
Thou beauty is radiant and your voice upon the winds plays enticingly along my spirit. And so, out in the breeze of your affection I do stand arms open wide; happily collecting everything that swirls, whisps, blows, or caresses about you.
For I have tasted the dew of a blessing that shines upon this world, and your highest deserts do nourish my heart. Smile, for you are beautiful… and my world is made bright from the mere reflection of your presence.
~ Gonyaul”
And her cheeks hurt from trying to hold back the smile as she read it. She knew he had help with it as the poem had different handwriting this time. Understandable. But he sure has a way with words.
He was blushing even harder now. It was such a privilege to get to see her reaction to the poetry. And her playful reading made it even more fun to witness.
He bashfully added, “You are too. You words embraced my heart.”
He then confessed, “I had get Alexis help me. I not know how to read and write Helias.”
She frowned a little for a second. That was so sweet of Alexis,
“I can’t wait to teach you and learn what you know. Oh and I hope you can keep up, nnn? Because I’m not going to let this one be the best that you or I have to offer.”
Gonyaul was so appreciative in this moment for the chance to hear her and be heard on these deep matters, that their skills sets combined were complimentary for survival, that Voah was willing to help him improve in addition to learning herself.
“I want to learn anything I can from you and all about you” He smiled sweetly.
He laughed as she teased him about keeping up. He enjoyed flirting with her immensely. Gonyaul believed passionately in foreplay, and how you treated and talked with someone in the smallest of details, from beginning to end of a day, was the starting point that blossomed into more.
His tone flushed with a hint of arousal as he shared his truth.
“I see you through my eyes and through them you will always be beautiful. It take longer than forever to birth all you wonder into words, but I accept challenge.”