The Odsier

The Odsier tribes are a pastoral nomadic group of peoples in eastern Arcadia. They are described as small in stature with light tanned skin. Their clothes are primarily tanned hides and they speak in a quick tweeting language. They live off the herds of caribou, antelope and horses that populate the plains, following them in seasonal cycles. Some caribou appear to have been semi-domesticated as they allow the tribes to walk among their herds and even ride them. They also keep domesticated goats and cattle dogs.

They travel south in the winter and north in the summer and pass very close to the city of Ostiarium at the end of Autumn and again at the beginning of Spring.
No one knows how many tribes make up the Odsier but the people of the city have had dealings with three so far. The Grey Mouth, the Silent Shadow and Risen Spear.

Odsier are usually on the move, capable of walking long distances without any regard for the heat or cold. They build no walls of stone or brick, and live in sturdy tents designed to withstand the fierce plains and grassland winds. They have no concept of owning land. The Odsier are also extremely good riders and fight with long spears, daggers, bows and slings.

Men and women wear small bones and coloured leather strands braided into their long hair to ward of evil spirits and for protection in battle. They often use face paint of different colours to depict diferent states of mind, like jubilation or mourning.

Ostiarium often reaches to the Odsier in an attempt to trade for caribou and antelope meat but also for horses who are a scarce commodity in the city. However the tribes are notoriously difficult to trade with as they often appear to change their minds on the value of the goods being offered for trade.

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