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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
The Guests
JP with Jaxx, Winteroak, White_Caribou and Cindy
It was almost as if a collective gasp went through the village at the site of Shalia Nix arriving at Kumik with her escort. An old woman touched her fur cloak as she passed in reverence. It was as if Noraura herself had come down from her mountain peak to walk among her faithful.
The elders rushed to their feet to receive their guests, although some were more pleased than others to see her lording over men. But she was Koshnem advisor and had stood at his side at tye Conclave. A few teenage boys were dispatched to tend to the horses as Shalia and her men were taken to the centre of the village to sit around the hearthstone.
"You honour the Kumik with your presence, Voice of Winter." One of the elders said bowing.
A goat was quickly slaughtered to feed their illustrious guest.
Night was following now and soon the moon would shine across the skies down on the cold nights of Fang.
Meanwhile Islana, even inside her hut, felt a sudden shift in atmosphere on the village. Voices raised, excited, she could sense activity and wondered if this had anything to do with her capture and the faith that awaited her.
Drums started to play…
Hunter noticed some hustle and bustle of the locals as he dangled from his chains while sitting down. He saw some horses from the corner of his eye and then the sound of loud voices and drumming. Hunter drunkenly muttered to himself, "Sounds like a VIP is in our presence." He looked at his naked self then adjusted himself to remove the rock under his butt before muttering, "Much better. Can't disappoint the ladies, now can we." Then Hunter felt around his chains as he looked up to see how his chains were attached and sadly found he was chained to a rock. He was going to need a better plan now.
It was as if a sudden bolt of lightning had sparked the atmosphere in the village. Islana thought she had heard horses but the excitement in the town gave even more to the idea that perhaps someone important had arrived.
The huntress wanted to look outside but the sight of the men guarding the hut quickly shot that idea down.
What was going on? Was her fate going to have something to do with whomever had arrived? Was Hunter's? Wiping a few more tears from her eyes, Islana tried to listen to determine what was going on but all her ears really picked up on was people talking, a goat in the distance and drums beginning to play.
The feeling of worship was always satisfying beyond words. Shalia knew her power here went unmatched and unchallenged. She adored it, holding her head higher than the others and making the men submit under her leadership, always pulling their little strings wherever she wanted them to go because they had no choice. And every time she was given a special name like the Voice of Winter her heart fluttered. Savored any chance she could, like a starved butterfly desperate for nectar. For praise and recognition. It was what she deserved after everything.
Taking a serving of the fresh goat, it was as good a time as any to ask about the man who wasn’t too far off from them now. She looked at him across her shoulder with questioning and curious eyes. In the dimming light of sunset, the Helian’s size and muscular build was carefully noted. He didn’t look physically weak, aside from the dazed and sluggish movements he made, or like he could be easily defeated in a fair fight--so why was he here?
“Who is he?” She asked to the elders. Shalia kept her eyes on the foreigner while speaking, unashamedly looking him up and down as he wiggled in his chains.
"One of those foreign dogs from the city of stone."One of the elders replied knowing full well she was a foreign herself but she was used to these small slights. "Poisoned and half dead. One of his companions sold him and his weapons to us. In exchange for safe passage through our lands and provisions." He explained.
Shalia raised an eyebrow. "You exchanged safe passage and provisions for a half dead slave that might die?" She asked, her curiosity peaked.
The three elders looked at each other while pleased smiles. " He sold us a woman. Something very special..." One of them shouted across the village for one of the youths with spears to escort Islana to the presence of Shalia.
Horns and cups of fermented goats milk were passed around the fire while the succulent and peculiar taste of roasted goat filled the air.