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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora
JP with Jaxx, Winteroak and Cindy
Islana didn't know what to think when the man kept pointing at Hunter. There was shouting and then an agreement but Islana wasn't sure what that meant.
Noticing Stran turning towards her, the young woman braced herself for well...almost anything.
He came closer to his pony pulling some salt and a few daggers from his saddle.
"They agreed to help." He told her in a low tone. A group of women came closer to the horse and a group of teenagers helped Hunter down carrying him to a nearby hut.
Stran and Islana were lead to the centre of the village around a large communal hearthstone made from black basalt. Led by the three elders and accompanied by the old Odiser woman.
There was a distinct sign of relief in Islana's eyes upon being told that they would help Hunter.
The young woman walked with Stran behind the others and then sat down at the hearthstone. She took in more of her surroundings but didn't say anything.
Hunter wanted to complain but was unable to as he was removed from the horse and taken away by the natives to a dome tent. As he tried to sit up they began to strip him. He tried to talk but was interrupted by Nora (hallucination of dead ex) who seemed annoyed as she made comments that he was going to be used as a sex slave to repopulate the missing men. Nora seemed annoyed that other women were undressing him as she crossed her arms and stomped off out the tent. Hunter chocked a bit on the charcoal in his throat so he could not tell her off. As he looked at the women he wondered how they were going to get him in the mood since he was numb on most of his body at this point not to mention he was seeing things and having trouble speaking since he sounded drunk. Then they made a fire to help him get warm which he found nice, but then the women left him alone in a hot tent. He wondered if they were coming back as he was now nude by a very hot fire so he decided to rest till then.
Islana glanced in the direction Hunter had been taken. She would just keep hoping whatever was being done to him was working.
It was bothering her that clearly the men had been sent off to war. It was a war her friends were likely in the middle of or about to be and she wasn't there to help. The idea ate at her but she couldn't be in two places at once.
Islana wondered what would happen when Hunter was better not really know how long that would take, and they still had to fight the bounty hunter to make it back to their friends. She wondered how much Stran would help them when fighting Alcuin, if he would actually help them.
Her eyes caught the man sitting next to her, Stran. The young hunteress didn't know what to think of him. Why had he been so willing to help them? It was difficult to believe it was out of the goodness of his heart but Islana didn't think she or Hunter had much to offer at the moment. There was a nagging feeling that it couldn't be that easy. Then again, after Alcuin, any benefit of the doubt towards strangers had gone away.
Stran still was a stranger, she knew nothing about him, but as he hadn't asked Islana or Hunter about themselves, the woman returned in kind. So, Islana was just left to wonder and listen as the group around the hearthstone spoke in a language she didn't understand.
Stran and the elders were clearly negotiating. They kept gesticulating and shaking heads while the Odsier woman tried and translated as best as she could.
It took well over an hour before Stran and one of the elders stood up and clasped hands. The old Odonine man shouted what appeared to be instructions to the young men nearby.
One left to stand near the edge of the plateau and started whistling loudly. The short bursts of sound echoed through the valleys below and seemed the reverberate against the nearby cliff faces. A few minutes later from somewhere in the distance a reply came. A low and long sound that reached you.
Before Islana could ask what was happening another man returned with two packs one which she immediately recognised as Hunter's and another that looked to contain provisions for a long journey. The Odsier woman looked to Islana with a sad expression.
"This is it Red Child." Stran said looking at Islana as some youth holding spears approached them. "Our paths diverge. I thank Slivikhi for the opportunity he has given me to avenge His people." He said with a satisfied smiled.
The youth with spears pointed them at Islana and quickly disarmed her. It suddenly dawned on her what had happened and who he was. He had sold them. In exchange for safe passage across Fang and provisions.
"The fate waiting you is worse than dead." He told her with venom. " They will breed you until you are little more than an empty husk."
Last thing she saw before being led into one of the nearby huts, was Stran mounting River and his provisions safely packed on his mountain pony.
Islana was trying to figure out what was happening but it was an impossible task. Her ears caught the familiar whistling. About to break protocol and ask but Stran answered her.
Creed Stran was Creed! One act of betrayal and all of the questions were answered.
While Kaithak flew overhead, there was too many with spears to call the bird down.
Islana had no choice but to raise her hands, be disarmed and grimace at the words by Stran. A breeder - it was a fate as bad as going back to Vasant.
A tear fell as she watched River being mounted by Stran. Closing her eyes, she hoped that the palameno would buck the man that had betrayed them but no such luck. There was no point in using her ability, it wouldn't change anything.
The young hunteress' stomach sank as she was lead into the tent. Her and Hunter's fate was on her. The decisions made had lead them here. The guilt was overwhelming.