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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Malacost Spuria
Running at Daybreak
JP with Jaxx, Winteroak and Cindy
Stran was up at first light, as soon as the light of the new day started to streak across the mountain sky.
His night had been restless. He still couldn't believe that he had run across these two out here in the mountains of Fang.
When he started his journey he wanted to put as much distance between Ostiarium and himself. He had never considered that he could not run away from his fate.
He had always been a believer. But the gods had always been silent. Ethereal figures unreachable by those like him.
All that had changed once he arrived in Arcadia. Here the gods walked among them. As if the New World attracted their involvement. He could taste it in the air.
And here he was again, with proof that the Gods existed and his had plan for him.
Islana had been up from watch and noticed Stran getting up.
"Good morning," she said to the man. "Do you have anything that needs to go on my horse?"
With Islana not riding on River the horse could carry more but things might need to be rearranged some.
The man looked around. Seeing that the two were sharing a horse, and their own equipment. The poor beast would be tired very soon judging by the amount it would have to carry.
"No, all good. I travel light." He said and went to get his mountain pony ready.
If they were being followed they would not make good time against someone on a horse traveling light.
As he got ready Stran mad ensure to try and erase as much traces of their camp as possible before offering to help Hunter on Islana's horse.
Islana nodded. They hadn't unpack much so packing up wasn't long, more a matter of getting things back on River.
Once that was done she accepted the help offered to get Hunter back on the horse.
Once Stran was ready, Islana looked at River she had decided not to ride him, herself but that would slow them down too much. If things were getting to be too much for the horse, Islana would do what she could to lessen the load. The equipment they had was necessary but it might not be a choice to keep all of it. That's a decision that could be made later.
Malacost had once again raised with the day break but he did not get underway as early as he could. At some point in the morning he heard the sound of galloping. A huge band was travelling across the valley and he had to remain hidden. They had come south from a narrow canyon that led north into the highest peaks of Fang.
He wasn't sure if it was another brigand group or a war party and decided not to test his luck. From his hiding space he saw that they were geared for war.
As the trio continued on, Islana continued her lookout for potential dangers and the seemingly illusive Sad Cap mushrooms. Hopefully they would find some soon.
Overhead Kaithak flew in circles around the group. This seemed common now at least to the huntress.
Each day drew them further away from their friends, but Islana didn't want to think about what that might mean. There had been little choice in that decision but Islana still regretted it had happened.
It wasn't the only regret, the young woman had. Hunter's horse came to mind though she also knew the horse couldn't have run and whatever it's fate would have happened either way. If she had only not panicked or has known her powers would work like that. What though? Would things really have turned out any differently?
It was difficult to believe they would have unless it ended up in worse position then they currently were. Those thoughts couldn't be lingered on for long there was too much else to get through today
Hunter did his best to remain polite, calm and focused despite he was moving like an elderly man, being a burden on Islana and a stranger while being hunted by a crazy bounty hunter and to make it worse everything tasted like ash in his mouth since he was ingesting a lot of charcoal to weaken the poison in his system. He was very concerned his nervous system was being taxed to the point of getting permanent damage. If he didn't get a cure soon he might as well punch his own ticket and deny the bounty hunter the pleasure. Of course he knew if he did die, it would be his luck that the bounty hunter would be killed by a beast or the war clans. Sadly now that he was forming bonds with others he knew they would be very cross with him if he let himself die. No he had to live. He was now an Incus for Arbiter Voah and part of this odd group of adventurers that formed from the chaos on this island called Arcadia. He looked at Stran who was helping them without a known reason and Islana who seemed to feel obligated to Hunter because of their situation. As each day passed poor Hunter found it harder to focus on his surroundings due to the lack of sleep. Since he didn't want to worry Islana he had not been sleeping well due to the pain in his body. At his point he was beginning to see things he knew were not real but seemed life like.