17: Namor McKenzie - Ryusaku Harada

He listened to his new roommate, who he knew was Namor McKenzie but had not reciprocated with an introduction.
‘No problem’ the youth had said but Ryusaku had no idea to what that referred to, he thought about it for a short moment and decided not to pursue it. When Namor mentioned romance Ryusaku was quite pleased to realise that he knew what his roommate was.
A jock, a promiscuous physical sport obsessed moron. That explained the appalling way he was dressed. He was glad he had that sorted out, a Venn diagram with zero intersections. That also resolved the ‘friends’ idea, they would be roommates, nothing more. Ryusaku did not like that word ‘roommate’, it sounded far too casual. He and Namor shared a room. Excellent.
Namor had not mentioned academic work so he would not be doing homework here, a bonus tick there. He had no intention of making provision for this boy’s proposed amorous inclinations. So that would not be a problem either.
“I do not see why you and I would need additional floor space. Certainly if all you intend to do is sleep here I find the space allocation perfectly satisfactory.”
Swimming and running. Jamie Braddock did both of those as well as fencing as he was a world class pentathlete. Jamie was certainly wealthy, British aristocracy in fact, maybe that was why he fenced so well, for a non specialist.
“You may be right about the wealthy fencers. Doing sport well takes a level of commitment that the poor can ill afford financially. I do not think that Dr Cooper-Xavier would like to be bothered by trivia such as the schedule of an individual student. If you would like to accompany me we can go to the Administration Office. There you can get your welcome pack and schedule. You will also require a proper induction to the Institute with a member of the faculty. I can take you on a tour should you wish to do that. You will also need to be measured for a full school uniform.”
Ryusaku was wearing a light blue polo shirt, it had a narrow red trim on the collar and the school X monogram and pair of chinos. This was as casual in dress as Ryusaku got.

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