17: Namor McKenzie - Ryusaku Harada

Shrugging he returned to his room and in the hallway was another Asian kid. He looked Japanese which in truth was a step up from Ming. They tended to be more relatable in his limited experience. It sounded racist but growing up in Nantucket you can't be a bit biased. Rich people just have a very narrow view of the world and while a ship's captain might lead a bunch of sailors; they aren't peers.

""Oh, damn...I am a racist..."' Namor thought to himself as he didn't have any black or Brown friends. He certainly didn't have any Asian friends. The situation called for a huge self-correct and his attitudes towards them needed to be careful.

"Hello, I'm your new roommate hope we can be friends," Namor said trying to not repeat the same situation. The kid was working on some fencing gear. While he never fenced he knew the kind of kids that did. They owned luxury yachts and pushed the Townies around but not Namor. He had punched one kid in the face and knocked him out. The rest of the rich kids kept their mouths shut around Namor.

"No problem...I tend to be working out, swimming or running and practicing our powers so a room is to sleep or to romance..." Namor said looking at how basic the room felt. He imagined that stacking the beds and rearranging the desks would give them more floor room.

"Maybe we can rearrange the room and create more floor space but that is for another time. I'm looking for the headmaster's office. I didn't get my class schedule and wanted to get a tour of the rec facilities..." Namor said noticing his roommates meticulous care of his equipment. He thought a sword wielding Japanese student was a bit too on the nose but hey he was a water polo playing merman.

"You been fencing a long time" Namor asked unpacking his shoes. He had dress shoes, dancing shoes two pairs of sneakers and watersports footwear.

"We had a fencing team in my old high school but that was mostly the very rich kids from my town," Namor added trying to see if he was with another rich snob or just a regular kid.
OOC: Made an edit, as Ryusaku was not wearing fencing gear, that had been dropped off at the laundry as stated in his post.

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