19: Shen Li (post by Kang Park-Min)

Min went downstairs and exited through the front doors, across the lawns and the road that lay there was the carriage house, this was where the administration offices were. He greeted the receptionist and told her he was there to collect an introduction pack for a new student, Shen Li. It was literally a pack, a backpack.
He was told the new student would be informed of his induction meeting via his issued phone, but that he would need to use the school’s app to book a uniform fitting.
“We have another new male student registered as arriving… Namor McKenzie. Do you want to take his intro pack too Min?”
“I most certainly do not,” he replied with a polite smile and a bow before exiting. Min had shouldered the backpack and he now headed back to the school. In the foyer he met Shen Li and smiled, his annoyance of earlier forgotten. He presented the backpack bearing the school’s logo with a small bow. “In the pack are a school issue phone and tablet, which will give you access to all the school information network, including your personalised timetable and who has been assigned as your mentor. They will be set up for you to login and register, it is all very straightforward, all use fingerprint ID so they are very secure. There are also the basics of school supplies in there, pads of paper and pens.”
He paused to give his roommate a chance to examine the contents of the bag. “I do not know what language you prefer, but as well as my native Korean I am also fluent in French.” He looked at their current location and gave Shen a brief run down of what was on the ground floor of the mansion.

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