Veil of Snow and Ice

The wind picked up sharply as Povel secured the last covering on the Nomad’s final sensor array. What had been a calm atmosphere moments ago now swirled with ice and snow, and the sky dimmed with an ominous yellow-gray hue. The first gusts of the blizzard slammed into him, the sheer force of the wind sweeping him off his feet. Had it not been for the safety line tethering him to the Nomad, he would have been flung into the air, lost to the storm. His visor was rapidly coated with flecks of snow, reducing his visibility to a mere few meters.

The wind howled as the blizzard arrived in full fury, a wall of swirling snow engulfing him. Blinding sheets of ice rushed past, and the world beyond the Nomad vanished into the storm’s unrelenting grip. Ander, steady and precise, gripped Povel's safety line and reeled him back toward the airlock with mechanical precision. Together, they moved cautiously, each step slower than the last as they struggled against the elements.

The storm’s roar drowned out all other sounds, the comms barely managing to crackle with Langley's faint warnings. As they reached the next safety rail, Povel and Ander quickly switched their clasps, using the rail as their guide to navigate the blizzard. The ship's hull became their lifeline as they inched toward the dorsal airlock, the storm's presence all-encompassing. Visibility had all but disappeared, and the blizzard pressed against them from every side.

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