The Ol' Warning Shot

JP with Omni and Lorem

As Povel and Ander reached the third comms-sensor array, the repaired sensors whirred back to life, sending a faint vibration through the hull beneath their feet. Just as Povel began his diagnostic check, a crackle broke through the comms, Langley’s steady voice interrupting the silence.

The Nomad’s ground team collected their various samples and scans. Not long after Adama had started drilling, a crackle broke through the comms, Langley’s steady voice interrupting the silence.

...Attention Nomad crew, this is Langley… new atmospheric data detected…

The AI’s tone, though calm and neutral, somehow still carried an urgency that wasn't lost on them.

... Wind speeds are rising. Updated scans show a developing storm, originating from the east. Heavy snow… blizzard… visibility will drop to zero. ETA until storm arrival… 27 minutes. I advise immediate precautions.

Povel was already feeling the stress from the laborious process of maneuvering safely around the ship's exterior and doing technically challenging work. This news added to it and it made him question if he would be able to cope with getting everything done before the storm hit in full. The pressure intensified, because the equipment was not designed to endure prolonged planetary harsh ice storms without being secured first. He looked to his synthetic coworker.

"Thanks for the update Langley." Povel responded. He then looked to Ander, "Well friend, we have 27 minutes to get this done, or we're going to be in the thick of it … lets pick up the pace."

Adama muttered, 'crap', and began the process to remove his drill and head the the vehicle.

Niko and Sestero assist with the disassembly of the drill to help things go smoothly as the others pack up their gear and samples into the HTV and science trailer.

Yoshida came in over the comms built into the teams EVA suits.

"Okay, team. Better take shelter if you can, otherwise, head back. This looks like a big one."

"We need to get back to ship," Maciel said to the team through the communications channel. "It's the most sensible decision. We can always wait for the storm to pass and carry on where we left off. This score is not worth losing any crew over."

Dr. Adama smirked as he replied, "No need to be in a rush on our score. It was here before we came and it will still be here after we leave. Besides I did find some promising results so the odds are in out favor."

As if uttering the words has awoken and challenged some cosmic entity of fate, the ground beneath the team gave a slight tremor, barely noticeable but enough to make the crew uneasy. A distant rumble from below the ice seemed to echo, giving the crew a renewed sense of urgency.

A sharp hiss filled the air, muffled only a little by their compression suits, as a geyser of steam erupted from a fissure not five meters. Hot vapor shot up into the frigid sky, creating a thick cloud of mist that hung in the freezing wind. The blast startled the crew. Some of them stumbled as the made their way to the HTV.

Rita recovered a bit and looked around, quietly reaching out for Blair to help him stay up.

tzzt I agree, This is a bit much right now, we can regroup and come back when its safer... tzzt

Calvin Sestero’s pulse quickened. His eyes darted around wildly as the geyser of steam erupted nearby, mist hanging ominously in the freezing wind. He stumbled back, arms flailing as he tried to keep his balance, but the chaos around him was too much to ignore.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Sestero shouted across the open channel, his voice tense, hands gripping the edge of the HTV for support.

"This was not part of the plan, man! We’re talkin’ full-on nature’s revenge out here! We gotta bounce, now!"

His breathing quickened, and he glanced over at the others, his panic barely contained.

"I’m tellin’ you, amigos... That ground’s givin’ us the ol’ warning shot, and I’m not stickin' around for the second one. We need to be like ghosts, gone!"

He reached for his motion tracker, eyes darting across the display.

"We got a blizzard, we got a quake, we got, hell, we’re sitting ducks out here! No more talking, I’m movin’. Fast! You turkeys can take your sweet time!”

Niko put a hand on Sestero’s shoulder to calm him.

tzzt Is cool. We go, okay? Da? tzzt

Sestero nodded and took a breath, then headed quickly over to his 4x4 UTV. Started it up and departed for the Nomad.

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