Golden Throne

Joint post with Jaxx and Liltroll2

Dr. Billy Adama was in the middle of a rather bizarre dream during his cryo sleep. He was sitting on a golden throne while dressed in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand scantily clad women attending his every need. Some were dancing, while others fanned him and served him wine in his golden goblet. Billy was living the good life during his retirement and had no desire to change things. The music was enticing much like his harem, and he was in hog heaven till he heard his name being screamed out.

The music stopped and his harem turned to see a woman with a child arriving at the top of the pyramid. She was pretty but her mean face was rather off putting. When Billy asked why she was interrupting his good time she proceeded to gripe him out for being a baby’s daddy and demanded child support. Billy wanted to speak but they were interrupted by more women arriving with babies and demanding compensation from him. Then his beautiful dream quickly turned into a nightmare as he looked around and saw his harem holding babies as well. Now they were all nagging him for not being a proper father and husband.

Billy began to panic as he looked for a way to escape. Sadly, before he had the chance to escape the angry mothers screamed at him which hurt his ears then they all opened pickle jars and proceeded to throw little pickles at him. No matter which way he faced, he was pelted with pickles and splattered pickle juice. Then he saw a bright light glare above him and a hand was reaching to him.

CSCSS Nomad > Deck B > Cryochamber
As the cryopod hatch opened, Billy saw someone was helping him up from his nightmare. Adama shuttered as he was slowly snapping out of his deep nightmare induced sleep. It took a few minutes for Billy to adjust to being awake. He really needed some coffee now and his bad dream left him with a dark feeling that this could be his last mission. During his whole career he never had a dream like that before and it was very unsettling for him. He managed to mutter, “Is there any coffee left?”

Rita looked over at the doctor with a raised an eyebrow. "Ah I can check..." She said and wandered off to collect a cup for her colleague.

It didn't take long until she was wandering back with a cup and offered it out to him. "You okay?"

After getting some coffee, Adama calmed down and was able to get his bearings back as he slowly regained his ability to move and walk around slowly. He felt like crap and his nightmare only added to his suffering. He was hoping it was stress related but in the back of his mind he knew trouble was brewing in the near future. He looked around to see how the others were doing and get his mind off his dark thoughts.

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