Characters in this post

View character profile for: Inna Keokea (NPC)

View character profile for: Carn Ferrum

View character profile for: Sawbones

View character profile for: Tavi
To say Tavi was not having a good couple of weeks was an understatement, the young lepi had finally secured a
Job aboard a freight hauler thus starting her dream of leaving her homeworld and exploring the Galaxy. That dream however took a turn for the worse as not long after the ship had been ambushed by pirates and she found herself sold into slavery and taken to the seedy dance club on the moon. She had of course tried to escape especially after seeing what awaited her, but unfortunately each attempt ended in failure.
It would seem fate had other plans has she found herself being purchased by a Mandalorian and his group looking at the three of them she couldn't get a read at them, medical Droid obviously seem to be his partner but was the Twi'lek also another one of his slaves.
"Um excuse me master?" She spoke up uncertainty in her voice.
"Carn not master" he interrupted before continuing "I do not own slaves nor will I ever, I bought you from them in order to free you."
To say she was taken back at his words was an understatement she did not know much about mandalorians but she had heard they were a warrior culture and expected them to keep slaves as well. Taking a moment to compose ourselves she asked the obvious "why free me then if there's nothing in it for you and what happens next?"
"Whether you knew it or not slavers tend to take sadistic pleasure in breaking strong-willed people often times with harsh punishments, despite that you were still willing to fight them in order to gain your freedom mandalorians respect strength like that" He replied as he continued to walk not looking back.
"Plus if I didn't intervene my partner here would have done something stupid and I don't feel like shooting my way through half of the moon in order to escape."
Inna playfully smacked his shoulder a red blush evident on her blue skin. Despite the evident call out she was grateful for what he did for the female Lepi she only wish she could feed the rest of the slaves but unless huttspace was a cruel area of the galaxy.
"As for what happens next once we leave the moon I'll give you a ride to wherever you need to go."
The quartet continued to walk down the street making the way back to the hanger Bay, however their travel would be interrupted as group of thugs blocked their path led by familiar transdoshan.
"I see you acquired another female why don't you leave them both with me I'll forget your transgression from earlier Mandalorian" the fat lizard spoke licking his lips "otherwise my men and I will see to it that you don't leave this Moon alive."
"And here I was hoping you're smart enough not to try this again" Carn spoke as he stepped forward, Inna and sawbones journey and making sure to provide cover to Tavi considering she very little protection in the form of the dancers outfit she was still wearing.
"You mandalorians rely on theLegends of your people too much in order to scare people away from fights there's no way to four can take on all of us" the lizard chuckled.
"What makes you think there's only four of us" Carn retorted with a chuckle, within seconds blaster fire began raining down from above as mandalorians began to sending from rooftops with jetpacks. Taking advantage of the distraction the three of them began to add their own blaster fire into the mix, caught from both sides didn't take long for the thugs to go down quickly.
Tavi watched as Carn approach his kinsman after a brief exchange the group began escorting them rest of the way, one thing was for certain everything was about to get a lot more interesting in her life.