OOC - 2018 Squiddies
Sep 14, 2018, 1:45pm
The 2018 Squiddies have been announced so have a look:
http://www.ongoingworlds.com/blog/2018/09/2018-squiddies- ...
OOC - Just stuff that works
Sep 12, 2018, 12:57pm
Where do I start. Well first I will let you know that I am over 50 years old and have been doing roll playing games from the young age of 9. My first Game was D&D and then well about 20 othe ...
OOC - Plan To Last *Rant Alert*
Sep 11, 2018, 11:40pm
(paragraphs? What are those?)
I often draw comparison's between most of the games on this site and DnD. Now I don't play DnD often (apparently often enough to refer to it as 'DnD' rather ...
OOC - Things All Ongoing Worlds Members Should Know?
Sep 11, 2018, 10:50pm
A comment that Writing Bug wrote in response to LargeHobbit's recent discussion post really got me thinking. There are a lot of things that I know and understand about Ongoing Worlds that I ...
OOC - Communications
Sep 9, 2018, 5:07pm
Hello again, friends!
Something I have run into recently, and I'm sure the rest of you have, as well: when a player does not have a valid email listed on their account.
I recently had an i ...
If Not Why Not?
Sep 7, 2018, 5:48am
So this one may be a little controversial but we have number of games out there that people have not signed up for and I thought it would be an interesting exercise to post these games up an ...
OOC - Every RP has a Crutch
Sep 5, 2018, 10:14pm
I also submitted this to the OE blog, let's see if it will make the cut?
Hello guys, it's WB here. I want to tell you about something called a Writing Crutch. If you google it, it talks a ...
OOC - Game for pirates
Sep 5, 2018, 5:48pm
This takes in the 1500- 1700s the golden age of pirates. It has sea monsters, cursed pirates and treasures.
I can't get back on the comments Nim. I don't know why. But every time I try to ...
OOC - Game for pirates
Sep 4, 2018, 6:26pm
I've made a game for people who want to be in a pirate game. Any one is welcome. If you have any questions ask away! ...
OOC - Introductions and New Game Post
Sep 3, 2018, 4:21pm
Hello friends! My name is Daleigh, and I have been roleplaying for....well, let's say a really long time.
My interest in play-by-post roleplay was inspired by a forum for a book series call ...
OOC - Star Wars game
Sep 3, 2018, 12:02pm
Hay guys if there are any clone wars fans out there we have a Star Wars clone wars game up now. ...
OOC - Hey, so I did this thing I think is cool
Aug 30, 2018, 6:54am
Blue Dwarf is a monster, right? Look how many fkn posts it has. Wouldn't it be cool if someone started condensing and documenting it all?
[url=https://jmc-blue-dwarf.wikia.com/wiki/JMC ...
OOC - Anyone want to mentor a has-been?
Aug 30, 2018, 3:38am
It's been an incredibly long time since I've collaboratively written a story. The last time I did any online free-form RP, it was in a VERY different format, late 90's to early 2000's, in li ...