Showing posts 451 - 465 of 523

OOC - Two Things

May 10, 2018, 7:13pm by Nim

As per the title, there are two largely unrelated things I want to discuss with this post. Firstly, I wanted to ask you guys a favor. If you guys like this platform and want to increase ...

OOC - No-Man's Land

May 8, 2018, 10:37pm by Writing Bug

Hello guys, I just want to say thank you for accepting me into the rpg's I have joined. It is quite entertaining to read the stories, and to fit into them with my own characters. I have many ...

OOC - When to Make a New Game?

May 8, 2018, 4:16pm by Nim

One of the great things about Ongoing Worlds is the ease through which someone can create a game. The ability for anyone, even those with no programing nor web design skills to design games ...

OOC - OOC-Does anybody else have this issue?

May 5, 2018, 12:34pm by Myk888

So, I am playing a couple games, in my memebers section I have selected to receive emails when post go up. I'm not getting notifications of any sort. Is there an alternate way to get this ...

OOC - Welcome to Hogwarts!

May 1, 2018, 11:44pm by FallowNorth

It has finally arrived! The Harry Potter game we have all been wanting is officially here. If you would like to join please follow the link before. The game will be set at the beginning of a ...

OOC - Superhero Game: Update

May 1, 2018, 6:24pm by Dj_Panda

I really like the idea of beginning the game with an alien invasion, and then having all the heroes to unite to fight other threats. Maybe an idea is that some people begin to harvest al ...

OOC - Fumbler

May 1, 2018, 3:36pm by Largehobbit

You have all heard of Tinder well this is Fumbler the Ongoing Worlds match making post. Finding matches between writers and moderators to save you all that work. ...

OOC - Everyone Loves Harry Potter... Right?

Apr 29, 2018, 9:10pm by FallowNorth

So I have recently been loving the new Hogwarts game that came out this week for our mobile devices. I love being able to finally get my acceptance letter (I squealed a little) and joining t ...

OOC - Beyond the Ragnarok - Adopt a Player Appeal

Apr 29, 2018, 5:35pm by Largehobbit

Assist Largehobbits vital conservation work with this intelligent yet endangered species by adopting a character today. Know someone who’s devoted to helping abandoned characters? Help the ...

OOC - Professional Wrestling Game

Apr 29, 2018, 12:18am by TheRyanLee

I have an idea I've been constructing for quite some time now. It's a professional wrestling game on here, where the characters would be wrestlers, managers, promoter, referees, announcers, ...

OOC - Super hero themed game?

Apr 28, 2018, 5:10pm by Dj_Panda

I was thinking of starting up a super-hero themed game, which is something I've done before. Create your own with unique powers and backstories. Is there any interest in helping build a conc ...

OOC - Discord interest at all?

Apr 28, 2018, 10:51am by Chris

So Discord... a platform that some communities love to use, and some stay away from. It's not quite the chaos of IRC of the days of old, but is a good live AND asychronous form of communicat ...

OOC - How Do You Join a Sci-Fi Game?

Apr 24, 2018, 10:43pm by Nim

There have been a lot of great looking sci-fi games as of late, such as The Rogue Dwarf, Ouroboros, Traverse, and Star Wars Rogue Moon, but try as I might, I can't think of a good character ...

OOC - Greetings and a Brief Poll

Apr 23, 2018, 10:06pm by Nim

First off, I would like to welcome Enderslayer and chenglan to OW Community Platform. If there is anything you would like to discuss, don't hesitate to put up a post. I would ask that you ...

OOC - Empires of Glass, Possible Rules

Apr 23, 2018, 9:52am by Mobius64

This is so far the rules and layout of what a typical Round would look like in this game, which I have finally named Empires of Glass. Each Nation provided a situation at the start of ...

Showing posts 451 - 465 of 523