OOC - Just in Case

Just in case you all hadn't worked it out yet, I'm only back on a temporary basis. Tara was never going to come back for good. However, this is 2015, BD's 15th year and so the Mod's want to give you all some flavour and fun style plot lines. Finish up some old stuff, start some new stuff and have a bit of fun bumming around the universe for another 15 years.

So I was drafted in and asked if anyone minded Tara becoming a homicidal maniac for a bit.

No problem. Tara died back on Molopod. Any hologram of her isn't really my Tara, so knock yourselves out. It was quite easy to twist holo-tara into this after 3,000,000 years!

Plus, evil is fun.

Feel free to kill, maim or otherwise wipe out her programming. If I ever do want her back, I know Phil will always have a backup disk. If he doesn't then there is always the time fridge...

Go crazy with this guys, it's a resort from hell, twisted to try and kill you at every turn.

P.S: Don't forget you are all still starving back on the Dwarf, you still need food!

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