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View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

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This is where i go cross-eyed..
Posted byPosted: Jan 14, 2014, 3:58am
The guard droids took Jay by the arms, re-cuffed him and dragged him from the room…
The judge turned to Phil. who was stareing with a expression of anger and hate..but it could also be gas from the meager food he had recently. The lights on his collar were all dark, so far.
"Philip Susan Febuggure...Your crimes make what the colouful mr chrysler has done seem like a child. You numerous time loops, otherwordly jaunts, dimensional crossover and damage to fabric of space and time is frankly, un forgiveable. You created the time fridge, murdered entire realties and , may whatever higher power you belive in, have one of the most vile and perverted progenys this universe has ever seen..."
At this Phil finally became a bit more animated "Hey leave Amber and Rufus out of this they are innocent..."
"I am not refereing to your offspring with Tara Clevage, but the miniature version of yourself. The one refered to as 'Mini-Phil'..."
"Yeah he can be a little scamp sometimes"
"Speaking of whcih we have not been able to locate him.Where is he?"
"Knowing him, at the local petting zoo getting to know the natives.."
"You will answer the question fully before judgement and sentance is passed..."
"So if i dont tell you you won't pass judgment? Aha! "
*zap**zap* Two lights now.
"Are you delibratly trying to annoya me Mr Febuggure?"
"No, All i would need to do that is point to your ugly face"
*zap* - Three lights now
"Again! That last one made my balls tingle! I rather enjoyed it for som..*zap**zap*
"Enough..Judgement and sentance will now be passed."
Lindstrom reached under the desk and pulled out a small cloth wig. It was blackish and there was an almost ceremonial feel to the proceedings now.
"It is the judgement of this court that you are guilty of numerous crimes against law, time and nature itself. The sentance shall be carried out immediaty..yes what is it?"
"Ermm..What, and i know i am going to regret this, what is the sentance!"
"Imediate Universal Space-Time Seperatation & Nullification."
"I'm sorry what? In a language used in this reality please...and make it simple enough that Seymour Nipples could understand it..." Phil had a bit of panic in him starting to build.He had a sneaky suspucion as to what USTSN would be..
"Well to put it that simply, your links to the universal space-time constant are to be severed. Your existance will then be nullified."
"I said Seymour level simplicity..."
"From this point on, the entire universe, including yourself, will act as if you had never even existed. Now don't worry, it wont affect the events you caused, sadly, just you as ...are you going cross eyed trying to understand me...?"
"Sigh..well your children won't cease to exist, they are in many ways inncocent.But your freinds will have never met you, they will not know you, have no history with you. You will not even know yourself. It will be as if you simply popped into existance. YOU will not have existed , but time will be allowed to start healing. Guards, take him back to his cell. He will make a good sbject for testing later. Quickly, the procedure has allready begun."
The guards dragged Phil fighting back to his cell.
Those who remained behind wondered just who it was who was dragged off like that