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View character profile for: Cassandra Jones

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Katrina Chrysler

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI

View character profile for: Boyd Weathers

View character profile for: Kenneth

View character profile for: Dave Hollins

View character profile for: Herbie Columbus
The naughty step
Posted byPosted: Jan 13, 2014, 3:57pm
The last Blue Dwarfers to arrive in the courtroom were Jay, and his cellmate Phil.
Defiant as always, neither man entered the room voluntarily and were manhandled through the door, each of them roughly into the room, their hands bound behind their backs, and each of them toppled forward to the floor violently before lolling to one side and scrambling to their feet.
As Jay stood, the amassed Dwarfers could see quite clearly that 6 red lights were already illuminated on Jay’s collar. Clearly he hadn’t been playing nice.
It was now that Lindstrom gave his explanation <see Artie’s post>
“Bullshit!” Jay snapped. “What jurisdiction do you have to enforce time? That’s the STCP’s job”
“Please control your language Mr Chrysler, or you will be found in contempt of court.”
“I have nothing BUT contempt for this court!” Jay snapped back. “And I won’t pander to this mockery of justice!” He lunged forward, his hand’s still cuffed behind his back, and barrelled into one of the guards robots. The Droid, although much bulkier and stronger than Jay barely moved, and grabbing Jay by the collar of his overalls tossed him across the room, it raised his weapon and fired a bolt of laser fire at Jay, who spun around and lifted his bound hands outward behind him into the path of the laser bolt, where it cut through the chains binding his wrists, freeing both hands, and grabbing the arm of another nearby droid, which opened fire, but it’s arm was steered by Jay, and it only succeeded in blasting the droid that Chrysler had attacked before.
Lindstrom clicked his fingers, and an excruciating bolt of energy shot through Jay’s body, knocking him to his feet, where steam rose from around his neck before a 7th light lit up on his collar.
“Are you quite finished?” Lindstrom asked nonchalantly. “Seven marks already Mr Chrysler, and you’ve only been her a few hours. You keep that up you won’t see the night out.”
“For smegs sake Jay” hissed Katrina “don’t be a martyr….”
Jay slid a glance at his wife as he got back to his feet.
“Why don’t we see what the judges think about you Jay…” Lindstrom said, and turned to face the judges.
"Captain Jay Montague Chrysler" the judge started. "Former captain of the JMC Blue Dwarf. Former STCP enforcer. Leader of the surviving members of the Blue Dwarf Crew. . Immediate family, Katrina Elizabeth Chrysler, formerly Salter, spouse. Max Chrysler, Son. Known Crimes….where do we begin..”
“Blow it out your ass” Jay retorted
“Destruction of the Hymenoptera species, destruction of the planets, Plebe, Aeron and New Ibiza…”
“That wasn’t me”
“Destruction of the planet Earth, and – a temporal incursion to restore it, and more temporal incursions that Phil FeBuggure’s had kebabs. You’ve been all across human history,
perverting the course of history, deifying yourself by taking the identity of Jesus Christ, altering the course of major historical events – to wit, World War II, the Crusades, The Battle of Hastings, The Great Fire of London, The American War of Independence…shall I go on?”
“You forgot criminally handsome..”
“To read your entire list of crimes we would be here all day. – You are hereby sentence to infinity in prison…”
“How about infinity plus one…”
Jay’s collar shocked him again, the 8th light coming on
“While considering your skills, it is obvious that you would be most suited to the role of canary, in both a combat role and that of the shuttle pilot. However…in light of your defiance, your recklessness, and quite frankly unpredictable nature it is clear that welfare of the prison, its guards and convicts that it is prudent you are incarcerated permanently in solitary confinement, with immediate effect…”
The guard droids took Jay by the arms, re-cuffed him and dragged him from the room…