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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
A Woman's Scorn
Posted byPosted: Aug 18, 2013, 12:24pm
I dunno whether they were gross demonic creatures, or beautiful angelic men and women, or some sort of sinister shape-shifters in between. All I know is that they were highly erotic, and I was glad the AR equipment included a groinal section, which would hopefully be masking my… enthusiasm… should Pancake happen to be nosing about, back in the real world.
Jester tights, however, were quite something else. There were flappy pieces of material that hung down, semi countering any embarrassment, but I still felt extremely self-conscious amongst my crewmates. And Jade.
As I was pulled into a group of – what appeared to me like – perfect-skinned, lithe-bodied, plump-lipped twenty-somethings, I glanced over at the doc, feeling the urge to reach out and tug her into the friendly crowd with me. Apparently my body finds hers familiar now. Makes sense after some of the stuff we’ve been through lately.
I did not, however, as even in my tights-testing state, I was still aware I was meant to be withdrawing from that particular ‘weakness’.
... I can almost hear Jade’s voice scolding me now, tutting at my referring to affection as a weakness.
Anyway, I’m getting distracted. So, yeh. These sexy young sucky things and inky things were all over me and I lost sight and awareness of the other Dwarfers.
'They were probably going through something similar'
Jaxx was quickly overwhelmed by the beautiful female succubi. He was confused by their means off attack as they kissed him all over and rubbed their supple breasts all over him. Jaxx was beginning to get annoyed by the lustful succubi as they were all over him. One of the succubi asked, "Does this feel good Master? " Jaxx looked confused as he said, "No! Get off me you freaks!" The female succubi looked hurt as Jaxx began pushing them away. Others succubi spoke up as they said, "Please Master we only want to please you. Have some drink or food then." Jaxx looked at the beautiful succubi with lust in their eyes and said, "Like leave me alone. I am not into you chicks. You totally smell wrong." The succubi began to cry as Jaxx's words cut deep. Rejection was not something a succubi heard often. Some succubi asked, "How can he resist us? He must not be a human, but he is still a man. Don't give up girls."
Jaxx sat up and began looking around as he ignored the succubi. He was very annoyed by the succubi's attempts to temp him. Jaxx truly had no interest in them at all. The succubi gave off a smell that annoyed him and completely turned him off. Jaxx yelled, "Eve babe where are you?" as he began walking around. The succubi continued their attempts to seduce him with no effect. As Jaxx was looking for Evelina he heard her voice up ahead. He quickly pushed the succubi and inccubi out of his way as he headed towards Evelina's voice till he came to a crowd of females that looked like Evelina. One of the succubi said, "If this is the form you prefer Master we will be happy to appease you." Jaxx sniffed them and made a yuk face then he said, "NO! Where is Eve babe?"
The Evelina succubi began seductively undressing before Jaxx as they said, "Don't you think we are pretty?" Jaxx got embarrassed as he tried not to look at them. One succubi said, "Could it be that you have never seen her body before? Come on Master have a peek. We promise not to tell her." Jaxx felt nervous and embarrassed as he realized the succubi found his weakness. Jaxx yelled, "Stop it! I don't want it to like be like that." The naked Evelina succubi then began to crowd Jaxx as the tried to wear him down. Jaxx struggled as he tried not to look at the naked Evelina succubi clinging to him as he continued towards Evelina's voice.
Jaxx was turning red as his resistance was wearing thin. Deep down he really want to see and feel Evelina's body, but he want to see and feel the real one not the fake ones clinging to him. Of course it didn't help that temptation was that close and insistent. As Jaxx struggled through the crowd with naked Evelina succubi rubbing and clinging to him like magnets he finally found Evelina fending off several inccubi trying to charm her. Jaxx smiled as he finally found Evelina and then he quickly shoved the inccubi a side to greet Evelina. Jaxx yelled with a big goofy grin, "Eve babe I am totally glad you are ok." Evelina was relieved as she saw Jaxx, but then she quickly saw the naked Evelina succubi hanging on him. Evelina starred at Jaxx with fire in her eyes as she asked, "Jaxx? Why are there naked clones of me hanging on you?"
Jaxx got scarred as he dropped to his knees and closed his eyes with his hands as he yelled, "I didn't want to peek I promise Eve babe! They were totally trying to keep me from you. Please don't kill me Eve babe!" Evelina grew angry as the naked Evelina succubi continued to try to seduce him. Her eyes were engulfed in magical fire and spread to her hair and aura as she grabbed her staff and began bashing the Evelina succubi off Jaxx. The succubi were no match for the enraged Evelina and her flaming staff. Then without her spell book she stabbed the bottom of her staff to the ground and sent a ten foot ring of energy around her and Jaxx to shove all the succubi and inccubi away before it turned into a round wall of fire. Jaxx was still kneeling on the floor with his hands over his face. He was more afraid of Evelina than the monsters he he already encountered.
Evelina then stood before Jaxx with a cold gaze that pierced Jaxx's soul. Evelina asked, "You looked didn't you?" Jaxx cried, "Not on purpose Eve babe. I was trying to find you." Evelina asked, "So you telling me you were not tempted at all?" Jaxx cried, "Please don't kill me Eve babe." Evelina yelled, "Answer me!" Jaxx cried, "I totally was tempted Eve babe, but if felt wrong and wicked. I totally wanted it to be you instead." Evelina looked at Jaxx and asked, "Oh really you would wait for my permission?" Jaxx cried, "Yes." Evelina calmed down as she realized she had a new new power. She opened up her spell book and saw it was 'Dragon's Rage' (Powered by Hate, Anger or Jealousy). Once she was calm she knelt down and hugged Jaxx as she said, "I forgive you you big idiot, but your still in the dog house." Jaxx felt relieved as he muttered, "Thanx Eve babe you totally scarred me for a bit when I saw your scary eyes." Evelina raised Jaxx up to his knees and hugged him as she smiled and said, "Sorry its my new power. So you might want to stay on my good for now." Jaxx mutterd, "Yes maam."
I felt my body jerk and rumble inside, and for a moment I could feel The Darkness, a tangible, solid force, pulsing and burning inside. I felt as if my own eyes had turned black, like the angel-dude’s.
I snatched the drink back off the pourer, gulped a load of it down, then with a rage akin to Vesuvius erupting I roared - my stomach the furnace, my lungs the bellows - belching flame around the room like a wrathful fire-breather. A Dark Dragon, myself.
The ‘angels’ or demons, or gremlins all put their arms over their faces, as if futilely shielding themselves from a nuclear blast.
Then they all crumbled to dust.
The Dwarfers were, fortunately, unharmed. I can’t say honestly that I’d felt entirely in control during the blast.
Tregard appeared, applauding slowly. I wasn’t sure if it was sincere, or sinister. Being a bit shocked at the time, I wasn't really in the best place to work it out.
“Congratulations, Fool. You have unearthed the power of Dragon’s Breath.”
“I haven't seen anyone belch like that since Phil ate sixteen bowls, during chilli night..." Jay offered.
"My throat, it's sore. And it was more of a 'roar'..."
Plisken nodded. "Like you then, laddy. You're in the raw..."
I suddenly realised I was indeed virtually-naked, and grabbed my nearby hat to cover matters.
As I looked down, I noticed the skin on my torso was smooth and unscarred and almost as pale as the angels’ skin had been. I couldn't help but touch my belly and chest. It was a novelty to have no scars or markings over me.
From the others’ points of view, of course, they just saw me sitting there naked, wearing only a hat - in the wrong place - and running my hands all over myself.
No wonder they were all gazing at me funny when I finally looked up.
Evelina's protective flame wall died down a shortly after Alex's attack to reveal Evelina and Jaxx still hugging. Jaxx looked at Evelina and said, "It totally looks like Alex dude beefed up to Eve babe." Evelina nodded as she said, "Wow that was a weird power. I wonder what power you will get?" Jaxx shrugged as he said, "Who knows Eve babe. I hope its totally useful through. It would totally be my luck that its flower pruning or something like that."