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Plump Angel Lips
Posted byPosted: Aug 18, 2013, 10:24am
I dunno whether they were gross demonic creatures, or beautiful angelic men and women, or some sort of sinister shape-shifters in between. All I know is that they were highly erotic, and I was glad the AR equipment included a groinal section, which would hopefully be masking my… enthusiasm… should Pancake happen to be nosing about, back in the real world.
Jester tights, however, were quite something else. There were flappy pieces of material that hung down, semi countering any embarrassment, but I still felt extremely self-conscious amongst my crewmates. And Jade.
As I was pulled into a group of – what appeared to me like – perfect-skinned, lithe-bodied, plump-lipped twenty-somethings, I glanced over at the doc, feeling the urge to reach out and tug her into the friendly crowd with me. Apparently my body finds hers familiar now. Makes sense after some of the stuff we’ve been through lately.
I did not, however, as even in my tights-testing state, I was still aware I was meant to be withdrawing from that particular ‘weakness’.
... I can almost hear Jade’s voice scolding me now, tutting at my referring to affection as a weakness.
Anyway, I’m getting distracted. So, yeh. These sexy young sucky things and inky things were all over me and I lost sight and awareness of the other Dwarfers.
They were probably going through something similar
You wouldn’t think it would be possible to feel sexy when you’re dressed as a jester, with little jingling bells all over you, curly shoes, a little jangly stick, and a nerdy lute… Turns out you can. My seducers didn't seem to mind these things, and I wanted them. Badly.
A distant part of my mind started worrying about the real world again… If you… You know… in AR… Would you in real life? The thought was kinda unpleasant. But not unpleasant enough to stop me forgetting it in an instant, and kissing the nearest breasts and mouths to my own lips.
But, it wasn’t all Sucky Things, ‘cause suddenly one of the Inky Things was astride me and smiling. He had ice blond hair and almost black eyes. As I looked at him, I wasn’t sure if he was terrifying or beautiful, and suddenly he was leaning down, trying to kiss me.
“Whoa, stop, okay…”
I put a hand to his bare, pale-white, chest to stop him leaning any further. He tilted his head, quizzically. Inhumanly.
“Dude… I’m not gay.”
He did not answer, merely moved my hand and kissed me. For a moment I resisted, but then... to my confusion, I realised I liked it, and I kissed him back.
Great. Smegsake.
Like I didn’t already have enough on my plate, now I have to worry if I’m gay, too.
There were hands and lips in all the right places.
Wait… were those my clothes…
Was I gonna be naked in AR now? Would I look the same under my clothes in AR as I did in the real world?
I tried to look, but there were too many amorous angel-things all over me. All limbs, and hair, and mouths and... Was that a flash of wing?
A sucky thing was running her fingers over my lips. I turned my head to her, and she guided my hand up her barely-existent top.
Her breast felt so real… So-
The Dungeon Master’s voice boomed inside my head.
“Arrgh!” (Turns out I could yelp without rhyming.)
I sat up suddenly, sending several nubile 20-somethings flying off me, and put a finger to my ear.
"Don't make me see red, get outta my head!"
“Are you going to succumb to the succubi?” He enquired, ignoring my demand.
“Stop watching, you kink” I replied. “… And whaddaya think?” I added. What a stupid question, to be fair.
I pulled several of the thrown angels back over to me. They smiled, made happy little groaning noises, and began kissing me again.
I decided I probably would stay in AR, after all.
“Fool…" The irritating DM interrupted. "You have a new power. Use it.”
“Shove off you old coot. I’m sick of that lute.” I mumbled, mid-kiss.
“Not your lute… You can draw upon the darkness inside you, turn it around to defeat this evil.”
I didn’t like the sound of that – the darkness inside me. Was he talking about me, me? Or jester me? Was I a dark jester?
If he was talking about me, me… That was a bit worrying. How did he know I had ‘darkness inside’?
Were the two realities merging? That didn’t seem like it would be a good thi-
Before I could think any more, one of the sucky or inky or whatever they were, things poured some alcohol down my throat. It tasted like peaches.
“… The Darkness…”
Dungeon Master Tregard intoned, gratingly. He was an insistent fuckuh. Momentarily ‘sobered’ I sat up and looked around the room. Where were the angels? It suddenly seemed to be crawling with vile, filthy creatures, which somewhat resembled Gremlins. And they were all doing things to my crewmates.
I wasn’t sure I liked the thought of that.
I felt my body jerk and rumble inside, and for a moment I could feel The Darkness, a tangible, solid force, pulsing and burning inside. I felt as if my own eyes had turned black, like the angel-dude’s.
I snatched the drink back off the pourer, gulped a load of it down, then with a rage akin to Vesuvius erupting I roared - my stomach the furnace, my lungs the bellows - belching flame around the room like a wrathful fire-breather. A Dark Dragon, myself.
The ‘angels’ or demons, or gremlins all put their arms over their faces, as if futilely shielding themselves from a nuclear blast.
Then they all crumbled to dust.
The Dwarfers were, fortunately, unharmed. I can’t say honestly that I’d felt entirely in control during the blast.
Tregard appeared, applauding slowly. I wasn’t sure if it was sincere, or sinister. Being a bit shocked at the time, I wasn't really in the best place to work it out.
“Congratulations, Fool. You have unearthed the power of Dragon’s Breath.”
“I haven't seen anyone belch like that since Phil ate sixteen bowls, during chilli night..." Jay offered.
"My throat, it's sore. And it was more of a 'roar'..."
Plisken nodded. "Like you then, laddy. You're in the raw..."
I suddenly realised I was indeed virtually-naked, and grabbed my nearby hat to cover matters.
As I looked down, I noticed the skin on my torso was smooth and unscarred and almost as pale as the angels’ skin had been. I couldn't help but touch my belly and chest. It was a novelty to have no scars or markings over me.
From the others’ points of view, of course, they just saw me sitting there naked, wearing only a hat - in the wrong place - and running my hands all over myself.
No wonder they were all gazing at me funny when I finally looked up.
<TAG >
- What was your experience like? Did you see anything different? Were they really demonic or beautiful or what?
- What is your enhanced/new power?
- Are the two realities slightly merging?
- Can Dungeon Master Tregard be entirely trusted?