Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Artemissio DePritchi
Posted byPosted: Aug 11, 2013, 9:58pm
OOC-This one is Gonna be short, I have to get to sleep early for a long ass car trip tomorrow. Following the trend of comical classes, I've picked out Artie's perfect role.
The group blinked, still adjusting to their surroundings. They peered curiously around the incredibly realistic woodland area, at the little Dungeon Master, and at each other. They were all dressed in odd outfits which were very different to their usual clothes.
"Of all the things to make me! Are you being serious?" Artemis shouted. The group turned to look at him. He was wearing a red blouse and a black vest, accompanied by ruffled blue pants and a patterned cape covering one shoulder, a feather hat, and a satchel filled with supplies. "An artist? I'm a scientist man! Art is illogical, art is nothing compared to the industry of innovation!" Artemis raved, staring at the paint brush and palette in his hands. "You are no scientist my friend, but you're a wonderful character indeed! You're capable of painting beautiful masterpieces by painting, drawing, or sculpting! You possess an unlimited supply of paint, clay, paper, and other art supplies!" Said the dungeon master, angering Artemis even further. Artemis groaned, but felt inspiration by staring at a rock. He wanted to.....he REALLLY wanted to paint and sculpt the rock to look like a ladybug. "I.....I'm going to make a pretty ladybug" Artemis said in a zombie like fashion.
Artemis painted the rock while everyone discovered their skills. His trance was interrupted by the arrival of Alex, clad in jester attire. He laughed uncontrollably at him, just then....
“Dragons!” The Dungeon Master announced. “And not the good sort.” He peered skywards. “Dark Dragons, headed straight for us by the sound of it.”
He wheeled and faced the group, who’d automatically moved closer to each other, forming a defensive unit. His face seemed suddenly harsh and like it was lit from below.
“Be on your guard, I’m betting this is just a little starter. Now, what are you going to do?” He asked “Make a decision, and use your skills…”
Jaxx looked at his watering can. “But dude, we haven’t had hardly any practi-“
Unfortunately, he was talking to the patch of thin air the Dungeon Master had just disappeared into.
“Great.” Said Alex. “He’s smeggin’ left us to it.”
“Shut up and get ready.” Jay snapped.
Alex glared, and shook his little stick with bells on.
“Fat lot of good this’ll do…”
A dragon swooped down and belched fire at the group.....scattering them. Artemis hid behind a rock with Jaxx and Jay. With no other option, Artemis started tossing paint. It did little other than lists the dragons off and make them look like modern art. "We'll I'm all out of ideas" Artemis said.