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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)
Posted byPosted: Aug 11, 2013, 8:01pm
The group blinked, still adjusting to their surroundings. They peered curiously around the incredibly realistic woodland area, at the little Dungeon Master, and at each other. They were all dressed in odd outfits which were very different to their usual clothes.
Jay looked down at himself, realising that he was dressed as some kind of priest. Then he looked up and squinted around at the others, trying to work out what each person was supposed to be. After a moment or two, he noticed someone was missing.
“Wait a minute… Where’s Solvay?”
Alex had been with them in the VR suite.
“Ain’t comin’ out.” A grumpy voice rumbled from behind a tree, answering that question.
“I am afraid the skills of every one of your band will be needed on this quest” the Dungeon Master calmly informed Jay. “It is not possible for anyone to stay behind.”
“Wanna bet.” Alex grouched.
“Solvay!” Jay snapped, reminding him to keep it together. “For the ship.”
“And the group… Cass!”
The Dungeon Master raised his eyebrows at the language.
“Sorry” Jay apologised, on behalf of his bad tempered crewman.
With a curious selection of noises, Solvay emerged from the tree he’d been hiding behind.
… He was dressed in a colourful Jester’s outfit – ridiculous hat, tights, bells, silly shoes an’ all.
The less-than-dashing ensemble fitted his long, currently lean, form in ridiculous ways.
He took a few, jingling, steps forward, parts of the outfit and the bells moving and shaking as he walked. Jay and a few of the others laughed openly at the absurd sight of the grumbly withdrawn Solvay dressed as a merry court jester.
“Well done.” Encouraged the Dungeon Master, approving of the mirth, “you’re using your skills already.”
Alex gave him a scowl, the force of which would’ve obliterated lesser sprites.
Before Jay could apologise for Alex again, there was an almighty screech from overhead which sent shivers down all of their spines. It was followed closely by two other shrieks.
“Dragons!” The Dungeon Master announced. “And not the good sort.” He peered skywards. “Dark Dragons, headed straight for us by the sound of it.”
He wheeled and faced the group, who’d automatically moved closer to each other, forming a defensive unit. His face seemed suddenly harsh and like it was lit from below.
“Be on your guard, I’m betting this is just a little starter. Now, what are you going to do?” He asked “Make a decision, and use your skills…”
Jaxx looked at his watering can. “But dude, we haven’t had hardly any practi-“
Unfortunately, he was talking to the patch of thin air the Dungeon Master had just disappeared into.
“Great.” Said Alex. “He’s smeggin’ left us to it.”
“Shut up and get ready.” Jay snapped.
Alex glared, and shook his little stick with bells on.
“Fat lot of good this’ll do…”
“Look out everyone!” Jay shouted, backing towards the trees. “Incoming!”
1) What character-opposite role have you been given!? What skills did the dungeon master inform you that you had?
2) What are we going to do about the 3 incoming dragons?
3) Or, if you’ve ‘stayed home’, what’re you doing there?
I have not 'tagged' at the side all the people I imagine are here, just in case some stayed home. So I've just done those I mentioned.
Also, nice one Jaxx, funny posts Artie, and thanks for the fool idea Longman!>