Characters in this post

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black

View character profile for: Dr. Artemis K. Pritchard VI
Dungeons and Dragons!
OOC - Appologies if I've fogotten to tag someone or tagged incorrectly.
For some reason, after their little chat, even though nothing was officially labeled, Jade still had the urge to consume vast quantities of chocolate ice cream. Or she would have done if the thought of chocolate ice cream or food in general wasn't making her want to empty her entire digestive system in a variety of unpleasent and colourful ways. She lay on her bunk getting ready for the mission.
By getting ready she was prepping another anti-sickness jab and getting 40 winks on the nearest medical bunk. They were softer than normal bunks and seemed to cradle you in all the right comfy ways to ease you off to sleep.
She woke up later, the bright lights of the medical bay causing her to instantly squint. She looked at the clock and yelped in surprise. She was going to be late. She jabbed the injector into her neck, wincing as her hangover tender skin rebeled at the touch and lay back for a further ten minutes whilst her head stopped spinning and the nausea backed down long enough for her to struggle to the AR suite.
She plugged herself into the 'game' with the bulky gloves, harness and visor. She ended up in her haste choosing the first set of options that appeared and waited whilst she was downloaded into the system.
OMG dragons!
The dragon swooped down again, heaving a huge sigh of fire over the cowering dwarfers. Or it would have been if Jade hadn't materialized right in the way. She braced as the fire curled over her and burned, not really hurting, but removing precious Hit Points. As the beast wheeled away and prepared for another strafing run, the Dungeon Master appeared.
"Ah, newcomer. Welcome, I am your Dungeon Master Treguard. You are a Dervish, gifted with a scythe that can cut through steel and bone. Your power that of the avatar death. Beware though Dungoneer, your power will not last long at this level. You must progress to level two if you wish to get stronger." With that he vanished again. Jade took a moment to apraise her situation, she was dressed in a long skirt, brushing the floor with big metal charms decorating it, she wore a vest style top and a long blue-green hooded cloak matching the colour of the skirt. Her hair was scooped back into a pony tail and she wielded a scythe that was larger than she was.
"Great..." Jade mumbled, turning to face the dragon. "I dislike the idea of hurting anything. I'm a doctor, this just isn't right. You wouldn't like to talk this out would you?" She offered, not that hopefull really.
"You talk too much little human. I eat you now." The beast said, landing heavilly on the ground, his breath sulferous and vile.
"Yo, dragon dude, you need a mint." Jaxx watered a seedling on the ground with his magical watering can. It grew into a peppermint plant and he was able to pick the leaves and toss them. The dragon was so surprised that he choked on the leaves.
"Who said florists were useless?" Jade grinned offering Jaxx a high five as the dragon coughed, spluttered and struggled away into the air.
"Where Jaxx lacks in skill, he was sure to pluck some luck there." Alex grumbled, not relaising that he had spoken in rhyme. A few in the group sniggered, causing the set in scowl to deepen to new levels of self induced grump.
"Cheer up Alex!" Eve said perkilly, tilting her head at the court jester.
"Yeah, morris dancing is in this season." Someone else chipped in, poking fun at the silly outfit.
"Leave him alone you beastly people." Jade said, frowning at them all. "We all look as stupid as each other." She sighed, best intentions to ignore him already crumbling. Unable to see him made fun of, even if it was supposed to be in jest, she knew he'd take it to heart. Just then the second dragon chose to make it's move.
It swooped down and landed with an earth quaking bump. Several of the dwafers were knocked over. Jade reflexivly got to her feet and activated her special power. The avatar of death swirled around her and transformed her into a thin ghastly figure, skeletal and pale, glowing jade green eyes piercing out from tattered black robes and deep hooded cloak. The scythe now seemed to emenate a cold aura, whisps like breath on a winters day falling off the wicked blade.
"Grenth comes for us all." She whispered, swinging the massive scythe at the dragon, slicing a huge gash into the creatures shoulder. It howled at the damage from the scythe, the coldness biting into the muscles and causing extra damage to the creature. Jade felt stronger too, as if the cold effect had leeched some of the beasts life and given it to her.
"You need to die, you stupid fly!" Alex moved over in his curly toed shoes and swung his little stick with bells on at the dragon. It was a vallient effort, but the dice were against him and he fell over onto his face. The dragon laughed a deep booming laugh. Jade/Grenth growled.
"Be gone." She said, swinging the scythe. It bit deep into the scales of the lizzard and Jade again felt slightly renewed by the returning flow of energy. The creature swiped a massive claw, knocking Jade down and pinning her.
"I will kill you first." It said, taking a breath to emerse Jade in flames. It was at that moment that her avatar form ran out, and she was left without her buffed power, 'helpless' and at the dragon's mercy....